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April 14, 2009 8:34 PM
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From Who Reason
Ha ha, yes.
Why is there no magic resist in this game?
the lulz
Why is there no magic resist in this game?
But it does damage over 9000!
Why is there no magic resist in this game?
Chaosnaska is a whiny little bitch and I too wish he would disappear. Can they give him an involuntary refund and just revoke his license and forum privileges?
Lil Bit o Tough Love for the Devs
Thank you!
Demigod in 12 months time
good post, frustration is one thing but turning it into "what do I get now?" deserves a smack.
How should Stardock make up for the DG online fiasco?
Good post
How should Stardock make up for the DG online fiasco?
Granted for telling the truth and telling it like it is, i.e. the way SD can make up for the supposed "online DG fiasco" is by constant communication, CEO transparency and great support/upgrading. The "special boy" sense of entitlement that empty-pocket
How should Stardock make up for the DG online fiasco?
He is right.
How should Stardock make up for the DG online fiasco?
unfortunately not everyone appreciates "reason" these days..... well posted.
Ok, so we
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