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May 20, 2009 8:24 PM
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Giving me the idea to do an AAR to showcase the mod.
Great mod - and the little easter egg of planets defecting to a minor race, however it came about!
Twilight: Tolmekian
Could i get my tech-tree fix? or are you still working on it?
Your tech tree fix for ToA is the best goddamn mod I ever saw, and if we were in prison and you were my cellmate, I'd gladly be your bitch! Sure, I'd probably cry myself to sleep afterwards, but hey, it's prison right?
Twilight: Tolmekian
Gave a very good suggestion on how to fix a big problem in my mod.
Twilight: Tolmekian
Offering to help out newbs.
all opponents
Thanks for further tweaking and improving your mod. Looking forward to give it a try!
Twilight: Tolmekian
Great mod!
Twilight: Tolmekian
For putting together the TotA techtree fix
Twilight: Tolmekian
keep up te good work
Twilight: Tolmekian
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