That was explaining how a wireless mouse could be faster than a wired one, the barrier to using particular mice is in how much the actual operation of the devices slow things down. In a wireless mouse, translating the received signal tends to create an impassable speed barrier as it's an added step a wired mouse doesn't have.
What mouse you have is actually a very big deal at competitive levels. Typical high end internet can get you pings on local gaming servers that add less to your delay than the typical mouse will.
I don't have the reflexes at this point for it to matter what kind of mouse I use, but when I did, and I was still slow then compared to the pro's, a couple milliseconds was important. Having 30 ping instead of 18 was a pretty big hit to my ability to slaughter whole teams in Counter-Strike back in the day. 
Having a 50+ ping mouse on top of a 30+ ping IPS panel would have been brutal. I'd have needed to use Colt's and AK's just to stay even, going 30-1 with pistols against the best players in Alaska would never have happened.
Also, your mouse is impractical, hole's and shit are a bitch to clean and people are filthy animals that leave grease on everything.