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Brad’s 20 First World Problems: March 2016

By on March 10, 2016 6:13:44 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums


Join Date 03/2001


In no particular order:

  1. GoGo Inflight is unreasonably slow at this stage. I’m writing this from the plane and it’s about the same speed it has been since the start which is to say, it has fallen relatively behind in usability. I’m not trying to watch a video or anything, just browsing web.
  2. Apple’s usability has declined since the death of Steve Jobs. The more I use the iPhone 6 the more convinced I am that he would never have approved this design. The off button being on the side is really annoying for a variety of reasons. 
  3. While I love my Surface Pro 4, it is not always easy to recommend it due to the amount of tweaking it takes to make it work right. It’s most a series of poor choices in the defaults and some tuning issues with SkyLake.
  4. I’ve been playing the MOO beta.  It’s still in early access so it’s not fair to judge it.  But I will be curious to see how those who poo-poo’d GalCiv III treat MOO.
  5. I can’t believe how little I care about the 2016 election. There is just no winning. Frankly, all of the candidates are awful.  Trump is ghastly. Hillary is a monster. Bernie has clearly never worked a real job. Cruz is probably an actual psychopath and Rubio looks like a deer in the headlights.
  6. I’ve decided I don’t like getting old.
  7. People getting obsessed with their particular piece of computer hardware astounds me.  They’d probably consider me a hardware whore then. I swap out NVIDIA and AMD cards in my machines daily. 
  8. My current go-to card is an NVIDIA 980. Why? because there’s no AMD card I can find with 3 freaking display ports on it. All my 390s have DVI. Seriously, what high end gamer is using DVI still? DVI needs to die.
  9. On my recent media tour, every game site I visited relied on a VGA connector (not even DVI).  It’s 2016, it’s at least use HDMI.
  10. Why is it taking so long for Display Port 1.3 parts to come out? 4K monitors are wonderful. Everyone should get one – as soon as Display Port 1.3 comes out.  Look for that.
  11. I recently got a Dell 5k monitor. It is absolutely amazing.  Windows 10 actually works fine on it.  High DPI on Windows is viable.
  12. I ran through my games to see who handled 5K well.  Civ V needs a UI update.  GalCiv II’s UI scales but it tries to stretch horizontally which looks ridiculous. Sorcerer King is perfect – detects display, uses Super high DPI UI all automatically. Sins of a Solar Empire is unplayable. Ashes of the Singularity works great but you currently have to manually increase the UI scaling which is annoying (hopefully fixed by release). GalCiv III works great but it needs an even larger UI option.  Supreme Commander FA actually did ok. 
  13. All the traveling I’ve done lately has made me miss my family to crushing level.
  14. I now use an ad blocker. Why? Because too many sites have ads that suck down all my battery. I don’t mind the ads, but ads that use 30% of my CPU on a Skylake processor isn’t acceptable. Fix your problem and I’ll turn off my ad blocker. And yes, I have turned off Flash.
  15. I was never cut out to be a manager. I’m just too mean. It’s a weird thing. I really like people. I’m an extrovert. But as a manager I have terrible people skills. I apologize to anyone who has to deal with me. I know how hard it is, I have to deal with me 24/7.
  16. I recently discovered I have Aphantasia. That is, I can’t picture things in my mind. This has always been the case, it’s just that I assumed everyone was like this. When I discovered this, I was skeptical that other people could actually conjure up a vision of an apple or a person in their mind. “You’re suggesting you hallucinate on demand?” I scoffed.  Apparently, I’m the freak.
  17. I’m ready for a 10 core CPU, Intel.  I swear, given how much Ashes of the Singularity does to push the hardware, the game should ship with every high resolution monitor, 6 core or more CPU, video card, etc. 
  18. I am spending more and more time on Reddit and less and less time on Twitter.  I feel like I have to walk on egg shells on Twitter now or their SJW gestapo will obliterate my account.  That’s being overly dramatic. But I’ve been pretty disgusted seeing people who spent years siccing their dogs on isolated people onlne now in involved in “stopping online harassment.”
  19. I’m surprised at how primitive Siri remains.  I would have expected to be able to ask her “What time is my flight today” and for her to know.  Google Now not only reminded me of my flight but told me how long it would take to get to the airport due to an accident on the freeway. 
  20. I’m pretty excited about Vulkan (new graphics API) but it seems like people should be giving MS more kudos.  DIrectX 12 is actually pretty damn impressive.


I feel…cleansed.


And the plane has landed.

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March 10, 2016 6:25:23 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

High DPI on Windows is viable. - yeah, in windows itself . i was playing dawn of war 2 last stand just now (hey, freebie necron last stand dlc for the next few days!). in 1440p, my mouse cursor is so small that i lose track of it half the time. granted it's somewhat old, but it ain't the only one that doesn't have scalable gui.


a quick search suggest some fury and 390 have 3 display ports.


==== has no high dpi support either. pfft.

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March 10, 2016 6:26:31 PM from Ashes of the Singularity Forums Ashes of the Singularity Forums

Ban hammer on #5 for talking politics.

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March 10, 2016 7:00:38 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

I was never cut out to be a manager. I’m just too mean. It’s a weird thing. I really like people. I’m an extrovert. But as a manager I have terrible people skills. I apologize to anyone who has to deal with me. I know how hard it is, I have to deal with me 24/7.

We get by ...[just]...

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March 10, 2016 9:46:13 PM from Little Tiny Frogs Forums Little Tiny Frogs Forums

There's no cards with 3 display ports for AMD? Man, I remember when their claim to fame was that they had a card with 6 mini-DP ports. Eyefinity edition card I think?


Actually, I did a quick search on Newegg and found 5 R9-390/x cards that have 3 display ports (along with 1 HDMI and 1 DVI)

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March 10, 2016 10:24:32 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

The Gigabytes are pretty poorly rated, so is the Asus, I wouldn't buy three star hardware.  The Sapphire is a five star, only one of them I'd get, and I'm not sure I'm up for a 2 year warranty card.  It implies that they're not particularly confident in the durability of their product.  The big names are 3 and longer.  He might have similar views on purchasing less than solid, reliable gear.

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March 11, 2016 3:55:50 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Trump is ghastly.

Absolutely!  If Trump Wins the world loses.... big time.  Trump is a meglomanic who should be exterminated for the sake of all inhabitants of Earth.


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March 11, 2016 6:21:04 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Frogboy slowly beginning the transition from middle age to grumpy grandpa. Wait, are your kids even that old?


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March 11, 2016 6:52:56 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Heavenfall,

Frogboy slowly beginning the transition from middle age to grumpy grandpa. Wait, are your kids even that old?


Brad hasn't quite made it to 'middle age' yet...

I'd give a quarter century to be as old as he is...

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March 13, 2016 4:26:46 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Quoting ,

GalCiv II’s UI scales but it tries to stretch horizontally which looks ridiculous.

I cooked up a few resolution-agnostic screens a couple months back, see if these help matters (title screen background was modified by Maiden666). Never had a chance to test on 5 or even 4K, but I did try to account for up to 21:9. Most functional UI elements have fixed dimensions anyway, what's left stretching sideways is just frames, borders, and such. Those too could be pulled inwards, but their graphics were made to hug the edges and are quite ugly when detached from them. However, given enough y-pixels on the display, the wasted space is minimal. 

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March 14, 2016 9:56:10 AM from Ashes of the Singularity Forums Ashes of the Singularity Forums

HAHAHA Iphone, that says it all.. I have a cheapo Moto G. The big thing is its on an unlimited data plan for $25 a month. Cant keeep plan if I upgrade phone..  Its only 3 G even. But.. I can download stuff from Spotify and Audible phine. It texts, it phones, it takes pictures, it plays music, it plays audio books.. Could use more than 8gig  but hey it cost me $129. The newest one is $189. so you could buy 4 new Moto Gs instead of 1 iphone. Break away from the herd, dont believe marketing.. For Gawds sake, get rid of all apples..

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April 3, 2016 3:18:20 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

"On my recent media tour, every game site I visited relied on a VGA connector (not even DVI)"

Oh good, that makes me feel much better about our conference room, 1024 projector with vga, yeah!

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April 3, 2016 10:37:43 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting dch128,

HAHAHA Iphone, that says it all.. I have a cheapo Moto G. The big thing is its on an unlimited data plan for $25 a month. Cant keeep plan if I upgrade phone..  Its only 3 G even. But.. I can download stuff from Spotify and Audible phine. It texts, it phones, it takes pictures, it plays music, it plays audio books.. Could use more than 8gig  but hey it cost me $129. The newest one is $189. so you could buy 4 new Moto Gs instead of 1 iphone. Break away from the herd, dont believe marketing.. For Gawds sake, get rid of all apples..

Then again there's smoke signals.

I don't need to break away from the herd, though.... and a big raspberry to Apple marketing.  When I was looking to buy a mobile phone, I did look at an iPhone, as well as several Android based Samsung, LG and HTC models, but liked none of them and settled for a Nokia Lumia 820.  For mine, it had the best UI and features of them all.  Yeah, a lot of people were saying that Windows phones lacked the apps, but it didn't matter to me..... rarely ever used them.  Nowadays I don't use phone apps at all, just calls and texts.  Bought that phone 8 - 10 years ago and it is still going strong.

As for the 8gig, it seems a lot of new phones are coming out with that... the Windows Lumia 640 range being just a few.

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