I almost forgot I had pre-submitted my question on the Gamer's Bill of Rights. I am kinda disappointed, but not surprised Brad no longer considers them relevant given its just kind of faded over the years. It feels very much like a lost cause ... publishers still push the evilest of evil DRMs, the "always on DRM" which has killed my longest-loved game franchise, SimCity. Sheeple gamers are to blame for rewarding such crap as much as the publishers ... though to be fair, the younger gamers weren't around before this crap (I'm sure a fair number have 'come of age' since Brad's Gamer's Bill of Rights was published), so the current state of games publishing with obtrusive DRM seeming 'here to stay' is all the younger gamers really know. My one hope is the European Union and member nations pushing for more regulation against the worst of the anti-consumer hopefully spilling over to our market here in the U.S., since legislation here seems to be much more readily controlled and filtered by corporate campaign contributor puppetmasters, the same ones allowing the obscene IP/copyright laws to hold.