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Trend Micro Security Problem

By on January 16, 2016 6:10:06 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums


Join Date 04/2002


Google notified Trend Micro about a problem with its software…specifically the password manager feature, which stores very strong passwords and at the touch of a button fills them in on the appropriate websites.

The vulnerability comes from the way the tool interacted with Chrome 49…it was written to interact with Chrome 41…and the newer sandbox feature in Chrome 49 so, the Trend Micro tool doesn’t comply with the new security features in Chrome 49, so that the Password manager over steps parts of the system memory and is thus susceptible to exploit. So…a “hole” is created and hackers can access the computer, and of the Password Manager itself.

Trend Micro has issued a patch. They advise immediate update of the Password Manager…and say that this has been updated through ActiveUpdate.

“We released a mandatory update through Trend Micro’s ActiveUpdate technology on January 11, 2016 that fixes these problems: all customers should have that now. It’s important to note that for Trend Micro Password Manager, ActiveUpdates cannot be turned off which means that all current Trend Micro Password Manager customers get all updates provided through ActiveUpdate. For all intents and purposes, the reported critical vulnerabilities affect an old, no-longer available version of Trend Micro Password Manager.” – Trend Micro

Make sure you've received the update.



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