If games can have thread like this, TV shows deserve one of their own too...
Personally i watched:
12 Monkeys: not the best show ever and on occasion bit of a míndfuck, but overall i enjoyed and look forward to second season. I am sure many people would hate it, pick plotholes and whatonot and granted, it has its weaknesses, but its a show that makes you actually think, what is going on and guess, what might happen next. That is always a good thing in my book.
Vikings 3rd season: i think it kept its standard from previous years. Means its good, but personally prefer Game of Thrones more. Lot of pretty women in this one
Anyway, bring on season 4.
Helix 2nd season: terrible show. Dont watch. I should have known better after terrible first season, but there was certain hope it may get better. It did not, surprisingly, LOL. The only good thing i took from it was the song "Do you know the way to San Jose" by Dionne Warwick - never heard it before watching this show.
Under the Dome 3rd season: another one i watched, cause of gained momentum i guess. Cause its not really good. Not as terrible as Helix, but still garbage. Again the only good thing about it over the past 3 years is the song called "End of the World" by Skeeter Davis - never heard it before and totally love it. Not good enough to fool me into watching it 4th year in the row, if there is one more season.
Falling Skies 5th and final season: thank god. Still dont understand why i kept watching it 5 summers in the row, cause i never really liked it. Maybe cause of the post-apocalyptic setting and overall atmosphere, but otherwise, it was IMO weak from the start, got only worse in time and this final season was just nail in the coffin. Probably the worst scifi show containing alien spieces i ever saw.
Game of Thrones 5th season: better than season 4 IMO, not as good as initial 2, or maybe 3. Still looking forward to season 6th. Seeing the progress of the story so far, i doubt it will ever come to its conclusion. The ratings will bust long before.
True Detective 2nd season: not as good as season 1 IMO, but still fairly decent.
The Killing US (full series): probably the best of the lot i watched. Absolutely awesome. Great acting, screenplay, atmosphere, everything. Highly recommended.
The Bridge US (full series): not as good as Killing IMO, but still great and worth watching.
The Wayward Pines: new sci-fi. Got sort of surprised by certain thing, expected time travel based on what i read, but it was something else in the end, sort of unique for these kind of shows. Hope i am not spoiling too much. Otherwise, it was decent, but saw better shows before.
Dark Matter: feels a lot like Stargate, cause same producers. I liked Stargates, so i fairly liked this. It was bit too episodic few times and felt like filler, but there was bunch of great episodes near the end, so hopefully that trend will continue next season. Overall i think they managed to get together mostly likeable bunch of actors, who have good chemistry together. Just like Stargate did. The main female actress is really hot.
Looking forward to next season.
Kill Joys: competition to Dark Matter, similarly set in space. I guess overall i prefered DM, but kinda liked this as well. Certainly had its strong points. Both have sort of overarching mystery, DM concerning the past of the main crew, this one concerning local politics and some secret organisation, so it kept me interested even through those weaker episodes. Once again, main female character is incredibly hot, actually i cant say whether more than the one from Dark Matter or this one,
I hope its not too sexist to say things like this, hahaha. Its not the reason i watched either of the shows, but it certainly did not annoy me to look at some pretty faces.
The Last Ship 2nd season: i actually kinda liked it. The over the top patriotism was over the top as usual, but this one had some nice antagonists, and overall i liked it more than first season.
The Extant 2nd season: pretty much the same feelings as in case of Last Ship. Did not think i was going to like it, but it was not that bad in the end.
The Whispers: it had interesting background mystery, just the small writ-up on the IMDB page concerning its plot made me want to watch it. It was fairly decent in the end IMO, but the ending was bit shit.
The Dig: concerning some old prophecies and religion, taking place mostly in Jerusalem, fairly decent with weak ending (for different reasons) like Whispers. Once again the background plot hooked me in, the conclusion could be better though. But this one at least was closed story arc, so any possible second season will be about something else.
Allegiance: only saw 4 episodes so far, concerning russian spies in US. Not that great so far, but i am not giving up on it yet.
The Expanse: so far watched only 5 episodes, but its probably the second best show i watched. And its scifi set in space, yay! With spaceships and stuff. More serious than Dark Matter or KillJoys and i like that. Cant wait for the next episode. Highly recommended.
Thats it, quite a lot, did not realize until now, haha. Anyway, your turn!