I agree with the OP on most of his points. TFA however is not as bad as the prequels. While it did have some absurdity it didnt stand out like it did with the prequels. When i first saw the movie i felt just as the OP did, I thought it was a pretty good action flick. Something JJ is almost notorious for. Look what he did to Star Trek. Enough said. Star Wars on the other hand fits the "action" genre better than Star Trek. However as i let it sink in i saw the flaws that were pointed out, and more. Still JJ's Star Wars is far better than his Star Trek.
If you went in expecting to see Storm Troopers kicking ass (and getting their asses kicked) You got it. If you went in expecting light saber battles you got it. If you went in expecting some serious wookie rage you got it (Chewbacca did shine in this movie).
If you went in expecting to see something completely different in the Star Wars universe... You will be sadly dissapointed.
This film is yet another example of hollywood flat out refusing to try out any new, and fresh ideas. Or is it that writers just can not think of anything "new" any more? I don't just blame just JJ Abrams for the "rinse, and repeat of Episode IV". I blame the writers. Some of whom wrote empire strikes back. JJ just directed what the writers wrote on the screenplay. Though he could have taken a bigger risk, and rejected some of the screen play. What we do have is a rehash of episode IV. With a new, and even bigger "Death Star III" with apparently the same damn design flaws as the previous two Death Stars. You would think that the Imperials would have FIXED this by now!
Again.. Tiny X-Wings blow up a planet sized station (ok so its a station built inside the planet... whatever).
Death Star III eats stars for breakfast to fuel its big f@#king gun. Errr no mention is made on how its supposed to refuel after it sucked the star its orbiting dry. Can it move? Or was it a fire, and forget type weapon? As in fire it twice, and forget about ever using it again? Considering the two primary targets were the new republic capital, and the resistance base. I would say the weapon was fire, and forget. Once the two targets were destroyed it served its purpose. How the hell did they get the man power to build that thing to begin with?
New Republic needs a Resistance.... Yea... That makes a whole lot of sense. Well i guess it needs the Resistance now. Considering that the New Republic had its ENTIRE FLEET parked at its CAPITAL... You know, the System that Death Star III just OBLITERATED! Damn it sucks to be the Republic now. With this kind of stupidity it makes you want to side with the Empire! Least the new Storm Troopers don't miss near as bad as before.
My biggest Disappointment was with Vader 2.0 aka Kylo Ren. If they wanted to portray Ren as a mentally unstable bi-polar psycho.. they sorta succeeded. He went from being a major Bad Ass that could stop, and freeze Blaster Fire in mid air! To a wuss that worships grand daddy just a little too much, and expensive electronic equipment is no match for his tantrums. Though i admit the not so unexpected scene where he tricks Han Solo into helping "Ben" kill him was pretty good. "Here hold my light saber while i switch it on, and turn you into a kabob". The wookie rage scene afterwards was also pretty good.
Kylo seemed to have forgotten how to be a bad ass after his fathers death. He let Chewy get a good hit on him (what happened to the freezing of laser blasts in mid air??). He let a DULLARD get a good hit on him, and he HESITATED at a critical moment when he let his "cousin" close her eyes, and let the force in. The pause was so long that the DULLARD could have sliced, and diced her thrice over.
Don't get me wrong i did enjoy Finns character, but wielding a light saber is something a non force user should NOT do. Finn "We will use the force!" Han "THAT'S NOT HOW THE FORCE WORKS!!!". Something tells me that Finn is a latent force user, because correct me if i'm wrong, but you cant ignite a light saber unless you have some kind of force ability? Err wait i forgot about Grievous.
Rey... I don't know what to make of her. Much about her i guess we wont find out about until the next movie. I believe she IS Lukes daughter. She is strong with the force, but doesn't realize it yet. In fact she rejects it after the flashback scene, and Maz all but tells her shes lukes kid. I believe she did have some training at the academy, but blocked it out of her mind after the academy was destroyed. How else could she have Jedi Mind Tricked a Storm Trooper, or read Kylos mind, and found out his worst fear. She "should" have got her ass handed to her by Ren during the light saber dual, but NOOOOO! Like a typical comic book villain Ren had to pause, and try to seduce her to the dark side. Count 15-20 seconds while they had sabers locked, and her eyes closed "letting the force in". BAM! she becomes instant jedi bad ass all of a sudden. Ren made the same mistake with Rey that Vader did with Luke by not killing, or incapacitating her when he had AMPLE opportunity to do so. Worst light saber duel ever. Now i guess he really needs the mask.
Did anyone notice when Rey found luke both all teary eyed that luke was standing next to a grave?
Not the best Star Wars film, but i do rate it better than the prequels simply because it didn't have the annoying cheese of the prequels. No Yippie!! Pod Racing, Waaaaaaaaaah!! he's holding me back!!! I HATE YOU (in a whiney brat voice).. NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!, or freaking Jar Jar.
I still rate the original trilogy better than TFA.
TBH NONE of the Star Wars films are worthy of academy awards. If you go see these movies for intriguing plots, and engaging dialog... then you are watching the wrong movies.