In getting off the subject of ignorant Americans, while watching a bit of TV today I realised how to recognise hundreds of truly ignorant Australians... all in one place at the one time.
Yup, one tunes into the Parliament broadcasts on the ABC and literally sees hundreds of the bastards.
True, it was only a repeat of a previous sitting, but the reality dawned on me... that there were probably more ignoramuses in that one room at one time than any other room in the world.... except for perhaps Congress and similar establishments around the world, but that's another story for somebody else to tell. I mean, fech it, why should I do all the hard work around here... and besides, US members would know more about the twats on Capitol Hill than I would. Same applies for that lot in Westminster. Much has changed since I was there and it was Alf Garnett and Harold bloody Wilson
Come to think of it, which I do, and being that I don't live in the US, am I qualified to say that those 'people' [and I use the term loosely] on Capitol Hill are twats?
Yeah, of course I am! They belong to the same profession as our twats in Canberra.
Guy Fawkes had the right idea, he just lacked the execution [pun intended]. Anyhow, seeing as how the execution of political persons has become distasteful in our modern and civilised society [again I use the term loosely], politicians who lie and/or break promises should be placed in the stocks and have projectiles of rotten food pelted at them. I also move that we have rent-a-mobs for such occasions... you know, the kind of people who, if you whip them into a frenzy, will pick up and throw that which is beyond the putrification stage that you and I would not dare to touch
Yeah, true, I do have too much time on my hands, but I'm not sleeping too well again and I'm not in possession of the right meds. While really I don't mind the hallucinagenics that make me see, say and do weird shit, right now a sedative is more attractive.
The other thing, is it Full Moon or getting close? I ask cos that can also have an effect.... howooooooo.