A pet peeve of mine of fantasy strategy games is how weak magic often is. It makes sense if every side is supposed to be equal. Can’t have 8 players wrecking the land, it would be a pure luck of the draw on who won.
But in Sorcerer King, it just you, the Sorcerer King and the peanut gallery. The other players are effectively as powerful as they are in other 4X games. But you are incredibly powerful (and so is the Sorcerer King).
The player in Sorcerer King starts out, on turn 1, with the victory condition from Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes. They’ve already built the Forge of the Overlord. They already have incredible, magical power. It’s just that the Sorcerer King is even more powerful.
By contrast, the “minor” races are actually quite a bit better than the major races you normally see in 4X. Their units are impressive. But they can’t, unlike you, destroy cities and mountains with a simple spell.

In this screenshot, I’m destroying monster lairs through magic. Now, I don’t recommend this for a variety of reasons (I want their loot). but the only limitation on this spell is that it requires converting life energy into fire (which means it only works on tiles with grass, trees, etc. and not on already desolate tiles).
And yes, it kills anything in those tiles. So be careful (I destroyed my shard):

This is all expected to be in BETA 2 btw. If you’ve ever played Populous, you know what to expect.

And lastly, going to keep my cities safe by putting mountains around them. When I’m ready, I’ll lower the land…

Like such.. The path is clear!