I need a statistics showing the decline in 2008 or 2010, to underpin my theory that pc users did not upgrade or did not feel to upgrade to that time because of the system specs of the old consoles. Since most games are ported and only a few actually get developed on/for the pc, and if they do get developed for PC they get adjusted to the current gen of consoles so that the visual experience is not that significant different.
I do this since i fear that development of games and visual effects will be hold back by the current gen of consoles once again, even though im aware that not everyone is having the best rig at home and that the market also adjust to the average user and not the enthusiast with the best hardware on the board. But it would indicate that due to the low specs of consoles PC gamers did not upgrade as much as they could have...
It would give me the opportunity to demonstrate that there is a chance/feasibility that if a Studio decided to developed a game to utilize the full power of Desktop-PC Hardware the people would be technically willing to upgrade. All in the hope a publisher would not mind taking the risk of only selling a few copies because nobody else is having that much processing power to run the game
. But it would then eventually motivate users to switch the platform and to invest in better hardware to recieve a better experience for their money and it would boost the market in different areas.
Meh all in all hard to explain in English for me
I hope that even made sense the way i wrote it