while i don't think it's completely unreasonable to be upset when people screw up or whatever, you do have to make sure you take criticism well the other way. My opinion has always (generally) been that it is best to have meta or gameplay-analysis sort of questions out-of-game because trying to dismantle someone's entire playstyle while in-game is unlikely to work
Criticism while in-game should generally be limited to "oh we made a mistake we should not do". For example, "we need to focus the fed Yasuo", "let's not initiate 4v5", "you needed to not go botlane to farm while baron is up if your TP is on cooldown", "we need a ward here", etc. Most people are painfully aware that they are being a Blitzhook magnet and ragging on them more about it isn't going to provide them with any new insight. They just died/got chunked to 50%/blew flash. They are already probably upset at themself.
This is doubly true if you are not very good at taking criticism yourself. As Karl said before, you tend to be one of the most critical people we play with (not necessarily a bad thing in-and-of-itself if you're pointing out legitimate issues that get solved). And you're much better about being critical about your own mistakes as well (compared to someone like Dan, who literally has never made a mistake in his life). On the other hand, you tend to take other people being critical of your mistakes very poorly (at least while in-game. You're at least willing to have a discussion about it out-of-game). This kind of puts other people in this frustrating position where:
1- if i am sharing botlane with you and the lane is doing not doing well, i get nagged for champion selection / getting hit by skill shots / jungler not ganking enough / whatever
2- i'm not really able to say "hey there's this thing that you didn't do very well" or "do not do this thing" or "do do this thing" because then you'll go like super-mega-ham in an attempt to prove me wrong.
3- i end up saying it, and then bad things happen + there's verbal anger -> i get bitter and angry. i don't say anything, you continue to rant about stuff -> i get bitter and angry.
It's very similar thing to where Cow will pick B-tier champs (that he is really good at) but then get really pissed off when the enemy doesn't play "fair" and picks an A/S-tier champ. Or when the rest of his team picks a "shitty" teamcomp. Because there is only one B-tier champ allowed and it's already been chosen. And so we spend the next 20 minutes listening to that madness.
tl;dr No-Nonsense Pacov should not become Tilt Pacov the moment Nagging-Pacov-In-A-Lane-That-Is-Losing-And-Someone-Tells-Him-To-Stop-It happens.