Uhh I think it has been like a month since I last played FE:LH cuz I heard about 1.6's monster lair's zoc so I've been waiting patiently.
Okay things I dislike that I still remember is....
Ridiculous Difficulty ok i'm sorry. 
- Gilden AI always get themselves killed by spamming guarded strike on me in tactical battles. I felt like I was exploiting the Gilden AI but can't be helped... i didnt want to die.
- Wildlands isn't very threatening.... I once spawned next to Fire elemental lands, and curgen's tomb, plus asag. To my north, south, and east.
No even once the wildlands did try to assimilate my lands into their empire. Well Curgen's tomb is understandable but not the fire /asag. 
-And if one of the elemental gods attack your cities, and you opt to battle them tactically then they will kill themselves as their rank/file troops go fight you cuz there's not enough space on map. And AIs love to travel into Squares that you're not allowed to travel into. Especially archers.
Oh oh yeah. War of Anthys Scenario! Vergas just sat back and picked his nose as I killed off his allies one by one. Was a disappointment.
I was annoyed off enough to cast ineluctable vision just to find out where the heck Vergas is and what's he doing..... just drinking beer and laughing at his allies.
I haven't seen a single unit from Vergas show up at all. Here's all of them. Camping in his homebase. 

Now problem, when occasionally when they invade me in force they tend to put all their armies into a single tile and laugh at me. At first I panic but then I look at falling star and Tornado spells.... Then I tend to calm down quickly as my reinforcements can deal with forcibly spread out stragglers well enough. Because when they invade, they put every single army in a single stack which makes them really easy to kill via spells. I recommend limit armies to one army or five armies per tile?
Because when I invade the AI. My invasion look something like this for example.
My armies don't all sit on one tile to be falling star'd on or Tornado'd to hell and back.
Ok they're not protected against falling star cuz I'm confident that the dying AI don't have enough shards to make it matter. But they are protected against tornado spells by the virtue of putting only one army per tile so that only one army gets smashed across the map. But the AI don't give a shit and put 22 armies in one tile for me to decimate with one spell.


But.. Battles never feel like the one shown in that painted picture. 
X% of the times Kingdoms always smash the empires into the ground very easily.
And then, battles is always a gankfest with one faction with the upperhand as the enemy struggle to respond after being surprised even when the enemy is the one that dow'd on the faction who easily got the upperhand. Oh well at least it's an epic wallpaper. 
But occasionally i see a glimmer of it in the AI. Mostly from Vergas.
Is this dude hitting on me?

*coughs.* Anyways I did manage to see his face but it took some work considering that he summons a titan to scratch my face off with.... 
I wanna equip my troops with beefy 2handers.
Free riders is hax and cheat 

Err I don't know how to work this forum so that it'll show the first post in the thread.
But autoresolve vs dragons is crazy. http://forums.elementalgame.com/451511/page/1/#3441555
Also when titans returned to the world. I expected second cataclysm to happen but nope.
Titans get killed by a patrolling warg riders with pikes that i garrisoned various outposts with. 
And I couldn't counter-invade titan's homes through the black portal! I was disappointed.
I thought I was gonna totally lose cities and soldiers to titans' armies.
But the end result is that I now think Pariden was a level 1 noob who picked a fight with a level 100 dude and got pwnt with predictable results.
Siege battles really suck in FE:LH
I built walls! Yay! oh wait enemies can get in my walls anyways. Oh that's not all, my militias disappear after one battle!
Fuck that shit about my militias disappearing after one battle while AI's militias never do that. Fuck that. More worse, even if I manage to do incredible job of defending and not lose a single level 1 militia in siege battle they all vanish anyways for 2nd battle! woo-hoo! jerks.
Even more worse, the level 1 village's defenses in tactical battle is exactly the same as level 5 fortress. 
Lack of exciting naval combat is a disappointment but after all it wasn't exactly advertised in FE:LH so I won't hold this against you guys at all.
After all AOW3 is bad at it too. As it is, Civ series is only turn based game with semi-working naval combat.
Rectangular map is ehhh. Its bit funny to see that all of the known world is a .. rectangle 
AIs have no understanding what unrest is and they proceed to drown in it as the result. There needs to be a script if they reach a certain % of unrest, they need to stop all queued projects and set belltowers etc as their next queue to build. If there is something currently being built, let it finish.
Ais is dreadfully useless when it comes to with outposts. It is the normal for me to raze down many many outposts in 2s or 3s when put just one outpost in the same location and gain access to all resources when AI spend 2-3 outposts to do the same. ANd that is only because AIs don't know how to upgrade the outposts. rawr.
If you guys can make AI deal with unrest for once and all then AIs will be way tougher and stronger at last because they will have resources to spend on plate armored troops like me.
Damn, i remember much of FE:LH even when I just took like a one month break..