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Post Your Smartphone or Tablet Screenshots

By on April 10, 2014 1:59:10 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Island Dog

Join Date 06/2003

We do it for our desktops, so lets start a new thread where we can post screenshots of our smartphone or tablet screens.  You might have some customizations to show off, or just have a great way of organizing your device.

Mine here is a Lumia 920 running Windows Phone 8. 


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April 10, 2014 4:20:05 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Galaxy S4

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April 10, 2014 5:40:03 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Cydia Blue theme

iPad Winterboard theme Se7en

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April 10, 2014 5:42:55 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Oops! seems to be a problem. If I click on the blank window the image does appear ??? 

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April 10, 2014 9:07:01 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums


Hope this works OK.

 No... It didn''s like 5 miles of code   
you need to delete it...



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April 10, 2014 10:05:34 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Cleanup in Aisle 3!

 My Razr M with a NextLauncher theme and a few widgets.

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April 22, 2014 4:10:53 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Updated with transparent tiles with 8.1.

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April 22, 2014 4:30:03 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

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April 22, 2014 8:55:00 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Island Dog,
Updated with transparent tiles with 8.1.

I'm still waiting on the 8.1 update... don't think it has been rolled out here in Oz as yet... hopefully it is soon.

My phone is dead flat right now - yesterday saw some heavy usage - and is currently charging, but I'll try to upload something when I've had some sleep... pulled yet another all-nighter due to stress and damned insomnia.

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April 23, 2014 7:19:54 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

starkers, you can enroll in the preview program easily. just download the developer preview app, login, and then check for updates as you normally would. i suggest installing the nokia software recovery tool first just in case......

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April 23, 2014 8:00:55 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums
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April 23, 2014 8:58:47 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Surface Pro 128GB - Windows 8.1

Work phone:
Samsung Galaxy S2 - Android 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean)
(Left is main screen. Right is lock screen)

Private/home phone
Samsung Galaxy S4 - Android 4.4.2 (KitKat)
(Left is main screen. Right is lock screen.)

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April 24, 2014 9:52:35 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Lumia 1520 WP8. I'm looking forward to 'official' release of 8.1. i want the transparent tiles, swipe keyboard, and cortana

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