- Really excited for LH 1.6 and very glad you are taking the time to release it only once you've thoroughly gone through it.
- LH 2.0 is another milestone that has me drooling. Imo, that the update is free I think has a downside. Don't get me wrong...free is awesome and appriciated BUT you'll be upgrading from 1.9 to 2.0 as if it were a regular update. Players will not have the choice to choose not to play with the changes and if the changes deviate too much from what LH is about (like FE was to LH) or if there is unexpected crashes or balance issues, there may be many players that would rather not play with the changes and stick with 1.9. Steam does not let you install earlier versions of a game.
- If I could offer a suggestion? (I'm going to anyways...so you can choose to ignore.
) Aim to have 2.0 the last patch....the polish patch. That would perhaps mean 1.9 or even 1.8 would be 'the mega release', fully expecting some updates to be needed. This way, IF players are having a difficult time with the transistion, adjustments can be made...
- Thoughout these patches, are you going to attempt addressing AI concerns? AI building Outpost Upgrades? Special faction abilities that the AI can't manage at the moment (Arcane Monolith as an example)?
- I think I'll really like monster lairs having ZoC. I'd love it if that extended and changes how Wildlands work. #3 @ http://forums.elementalgame.com/452034/page/1/
- Changing how tech trees are handled? This one worries me a little. I really like the tech tree system in this game; one of the aspects I thought MoM was missing. Please don't remove it.
Now to your DLC questions/comments:
- You ask how often we would like to see DLC releases. I would answer with 'it depends' on a few things. First: on how willing you are to go back and improve existing DLC. I've noticed in the 1.6 changelog that some changes are being made...but they are pretty minor. There is an entire mod from the community dedicated to trying to make the Undead work...I would have thought those efforts would have come from SD's end. Second: I bought DLC 1, 2 and 3 to keep the game driving forward however I don't consider them DLCs...more like small addons. They don't impact the game dynamically enough. DLC4 was the first that accompished a dynamic release. Thus, if quality is sacrificed for the sake of quantitiy, then I would not be in favor of rushing out DLC releases. If you have the resources to release once a quarter, you'd have my money.
- As to what I would like to see:
a) Stamps. Definately! (though, I would have thought some unique undead style stamps would have been released with DLC4)
b ) Tactical Battle Maps. Maybe. If battles could be more closely tied with strategic map enviroment and/or if tiles could start having modifiers, then yes. If you just want more tactical battle maps, I'd recommend including them in a stamps DLC.
c) Magical spells. No. As part of a larger release only. Toss in the odd new spell to a new faction...or new battle map... or something like that.
d) New factions. Absolutely! New factions mean new abilities, spells, quests, loot, weaknesses, traits, music. DLC4 was an awesome attempt, but has some balance and mechanic concerns. The AI needs to be able to work.
e) Loot. No. Imo, loot should be naturally embedded within other types of DLC. I was pretty dissappointed with the first go around on the loot pack as there were not enough items and they were not unique enough. I also like serious fantasy...so no lollypop and bunny slippers. Imo, the Black Market Bazaar mod has accomplished way more than the loot pack mod.
f) Quests. Yes please! More quests. Unique quests. Quests. Quests. Quests.
Other suggestions (sorry I don't know if these will require C++...not a programmer):
H) Music. I'm dying for some more music in this game. I'm NOT saying the existing music is bad....quite the contrary. Just saying that there isn't enough good. DLC4 should have some of it's own too...as well as any other faction release DLC.
I) Cutscenes. Any excuse to have a one-screen cutscene and there should be one. The first time you conquer a city. The first time you lose a city. The first time you raze a city. The first time you sneeze. The first time you make a treaty. I simply love little cut aways that progress the story further!
J) Classes. A new class or two in which to level your heroes. See the Ranger mod for an example. Have some new loot and new quests, etc.
K) Minor Factions. In GalCivII, I really loved that there was the occassional minor faction. Sometimes the faction would even join your cause. Sometimes they would join someone else's cause against you. LH could have something similar. Lone Cities that cannot produce settlers, yet that can involve themselves with diplomacy, alliances, trade, etc.
Keep up the excellent work! 
ps. sorry for the wall of text.