No, not really, Windows7's user base continues to grow as XP's drops. Win 8/8.1 is gaining ground on new adopters over Win 7, but that may be due in part to OEM installs. I still doubt many 7 users are leaving it for 8 but XP users, that's another story. LINK
That is a big change from November, where Win7 growth outpaced Win8 by a good margin.
Former XP users are buying Win7, just not as fast as OEM's are shoving Win8 out the door
While I don't disagree with anything you said, you're missing my point...
If someone is using Windows XP, then they aren't using W7 or W8 unless they have multiple OSes...for simplicity, I'm going to focus only on those with one OS -- so, any person who still is using XP decided, for whatever reason, not to adopt W8...but, they also then (for whatever reason) decided not to adopt W7....
Blaming the large amount of XP users on W8 is silly...current XP users weren't persuaded to switch by W7 either, so as far as I'm concerned you can blame W7 as much as you can W8 for the large amount of current XP users...