I have no issue modifying MY 8 to work correctly....but I do have an issue with MS thinking they got it right....only to see real evidence they did not.
Well when was the last time a consumer that paid 200+ bucks for an OS, was totally Happy - i know i sure wasnt with windows7, on standart without 3rd party software its fugly same as 8 just a different style of uglyness, also just look at the IE explorer NAV buttons in windows7
Design just isnt MS thing the priority is speed and stability...
I am conversely quite happy they showed themselves to be so arrogant and stupid at the same time...because it meant that Stardock saw a tidy income correcting their idiocy.
Yupp good for SD, if they have gained enough, what i hope i would love to see them invent a windows8 START - that is skinnable im sure we can make it pretty also. (what i have in mind customizeable tiles background frames animated backgrounds) I guess the demand or the num bers arent high enough yet to work on something like that to be spitting out enough profit. ( i can understand that since so many hate on 8 )
An OS should not NEED outside help to make it acceptable to its purchasers... not if the Vendor actually correctly/fully understood its customers' needs/expectations.
I agree but like i mentioned before they would have needed better tutorials...
And to this two edged sword- some can and do like it... even folks that first said its shit / Only Kona is still confused he sometimes likes it then again he doesnt.
Would like to add im currently testing a windows8 phone i have no clue about smartphones well a little but im not used to them...
if you have fat fingers like i do, navigating through the menu or typing text on a tiny corner of the screen is horrible
Wonder why nobody is complaining about that ? Its frustrating seriously