Hello everyone!
I'm Max, the author of the article! (I really wish you guys had commented on the article itself, would have made it so much easier to keep track of your responses!)
and the future of Demigod.
Nice interview but this part was...underdeveloped.
This was my fault for not editing that - there was some stuff that Bert shared with me that, for legal reasons, I had to take out.
It's just a beautiful game. Wish things had been better with DG all said and done, but still - the devs provided a great game. I'd still play it today if there was better net code.
I agree - Bert sent me some early concept art (some of it I included in the piece) - such a beautiful game!
I was just happy having someone from GPG explaining the initial networking issues when we launched. Over the years, a mythology has grown that Demigod was ready to take the world by storm but Stardock somehow came in and "messed up" the networking in the game.
It's something that Bert was keen to set right when we spoke - there certainly wasn't any blame on his part for Stardock's involvement.
That's the big downside of sharing so much information with fans of the game while GPG remained silent for the most part. Problem with the game? SD responds. Still, glad to hear GPG's take on things. Certainly some vindication there, though. Really cool to hear from someone else that worked on the game at GPG.
Was honestly a privilege to have spoken with him. I love Demigod, and while I probably don't know half as much about it as you guys do it was still fascinating to hear about it in great detail!
I'll keep a passing eye on this thread for any questions/responses you guys have - the best way to ask is in the comments section though, that comes straight to my phone.