Sad to say, I'm accustomed to forums behaving differently. Maybe I don't visit enough different forums, maybe Stardock is just being quirky. My main experience comes from the GalCiv2 forums and more recently the GalCiv3 forums so I'll use the latter one as an example.
- Recent posts: I'm on the GalCiv3 forum, why am I seeing posts from other forums? I replied in a StarControl topic, thinking it was a GalCiv3 topic. If I want to see StarControl topics, I'll go to the StarControl forums.
- Journals; they're in the news, they have their own section of the site and they're on the forums. The hell? Are you affraid we might not see them? Why not make the Journals subforum a subforum of every other GalCiv3 subforum too? And add a few popups showing the journals too, while you're at it. (Okay, this might not be entirely forum related) (sarcasm btw, not mad)
- Founders subforum; shouldn't this be for founders only? So why are the posts I make there, also showing up in the General subforum? That way we can't display any of the NDA goodies in the repository/vault because non-founders will see them.
- Slow: I live in the Netherlands (AMS-IX fyi) and have a 60/6Mbit cable hookup. Yet the GalCiv2 and 3 forums load slower than most other sites I visit.
- Colour-scheme: Do you know what white text on a black background does? It burns into your eyes! If I read a piece of text and then stop reading, I have a blob of brightly coloured light in my vision with dark lines through it. Please give me an 'inverted colour scheme' option.
Oh, on a general note; how do I make a thumbnail on your forums? putting an url around an image doesn't seem to work.