found it, tell me if you see anything
profile = {
current = 1,
profiles = {
console_size = 5,
LastHero = 'hrook',
UserKeyMap = { },
console_font = 'Hypatia Sans Pro',
console_font_size = 20,
achievements = {
Points = 150
Name = 'ActionBastard',
console_font_color = 'FFfbfbfb',
console_fade_delay = 3,
GameOptions = {
conquest = {
Victory = 'conquest',
achievements = 'true',
Timeouts = '0',
ExperienceRate = 'Normal',
GameSpeed = 'normal',
FogOfWar = 'explored',
DeathPenalty = 'Normal',
StartingWarRank = '1',
SpawnRate = 'Normal',
WarScoreIncome = 'Normal',
TowerStrength = 'Normal',
StartingGold = 'Normal',
StartingLevel = 'One',
GruntStrength = 'Normal',
FlagCaptureTime = 'Moderate',
ScenarioFile = '/maps/map05/map05_scenario.lua',
AiHitpoints = 'Normal',
GoldIncome = 'Normal',
AiGoldXPValue = 'Normal'
GameType = 'conquest',
slaughter = {
KillsToWin = '20',
Victory = 'slaughter',
achievements = 'true',
Timeouts = '0',
ExperienceRate = 'Normal',
GameSpeed = 'normal',
FogOfWar = 'explored',
DeathPenalty = 'Normal',
StartingWarRank = '1',
SpawnRate = 'Normal',
WarScoreIncome = 'Normal',
TowerStrength = 'Normal',
StartingLevel = 'One',
GruntStrength = 'Normal',
StartingGold = 'Normal',
ScenarioFile = '/maps/map05/map05_scenario.lua',
AiHitpoints = 'Normal',
GoldIncome = 'Normal',
AiGoldXPValue = 'Normal'
structuredefense = {
Victory = 'structuredefense',
achievements = 'true',
Timeouts = '0',
ExperienceRate = 'Normal',
GameSpeed = 'normal',
FogOfWar = 'explored',
DeathPenalty = 'Normal',
StartingWarRank = '1',
SpawnRate = 'Normal',
WarScoreIncome = 'Normal',
TowerStrength = 'Normal',
StartingLevel = 'One',
GruntStrength = 'Normal',
StartingGold = 'Normal',
ScenarioFile = '/maps/map05/map05_scenario.lua',
AiHitpoints = 'Normal',
GoldIncome = 'Normal',
AiGoldXPValue = 'Normal'
flagcontrol = {
Victory = 'flagcontrol',
achievements = 'true',
Timeouts = '0',
ExperienceRate = 'Normal',
GameSpeed = 'normal',
FogOfWar = 'explored',
DeathPenalty = 'Normal',
WinningWarScore = '10000',
SpawnRate = 'Normal',
WarScoreIncome = 'Normal',
TowerStrength = 'Normal',
StartingGold = 'Normal',
StartingWarRank = '1',
StartingLevel = 'One',
GruntStrength = 'Normal',
FlagCaptureTime = 'Moderate',
ScenarioFile = '/maps/map05/map05_scenario.lua',
AiHitpoints = 'Normal',
GoldIncome = 'Normal',
AiGoldXPValue = 'Normal'
options = {
master_volume = 100,
tooltip_delay = 0,
tooltips = true,
vsync = 0,
edge_tracking = 1,
antialiasing = 130,
texture_level = 0,
fidelity = 2,
primary_adapter = '1440,900,75',
music_volume = 100,
fx_volume = 100,
audio_lod = 1,
level_of_detail = 2,
shadow_quality = 3,
fidelity_presets = 4,
vo_volume = 100,
wheel_sensitivity = 40,
reverbenabled = 1
LastScenario = '/maps/map05/map05_scenario.lua'
version = {
major = 3
Windows = {
Main = {
y = 0,
x = 0
options_overrides = {
shadow_quality = {
default = 2,
custom = {
states = {
text = '<LOC _Off>',
key = 0
text = '<LOC _Low>',
key = 1
text = '<LOC _Medium>',
key = 2
text = '<LOC _High>',
key = 3
fidelity_presets = {
default = 1,
custom = {
states = {
text = '<LOC _Low>',
key = 0
text = '<LOC _Medium>',
key = 1
text = '<LOC _High>',
key = 2
text = '<LOC _Custom>',
key = 4
antialiasing = {
default = 0,
custom = {
states = {
text = '<LOC OPTIONS_0029>Off',
key = 0
text = '2',
key = 64
text = '4',
key = 128
text = '8',
key = 130
text = '8Q',
key = 256
text = '16',
key = 132
text = '16Q',
key = 258
primary_adapter = {
default = '1024,768,60',
custom = {
states = {
text = '<LOC OPTIONS_0194>Windowed',
key = 'windowed'
text = '1024x768(60)',
key = '1024,768,60'
text = '1024x768(70)',
key = '1024,768,70'
text = '1024x768(75)',
key = '1024,768,75'
text = '1152x864(59)',
key = '1152,864,59'
text = '1152x864(75)',
key = '1152,864,75'
text = '1280x768(75)',
key = '1280,768,75'
text = '1280x800(75)',
key = '1280,800,75'
text = '1280x960(60)',
key = '1280,960,60'
text = '1280x1024(60)',
key = '1280,1024,60'
text = '1280x1024(75)',
key = '1280,1024,75'
text = '1360x768(59)',
key = '1360,768,59'
text = '1360x768(75)',
key = '1360,768,75'
text = '1366x768(59)',
key = '1366,768,59'
text = '1366x768(75)',
key = '1366,768,75'
text = '1440x900(59)',
key = '1440,900,59'
text = '1440x900(75)',
key = '1440,900,75'
text = '1152x921(76)',
key = '1152,921,76'
text = '1400x1050(75)',
key = '1400,1050,75'
fidelity = {
default = 1,
custom = {
states = {
text = '<LOC _Low>',
key = 0
text = '<LOC _Medium>',
key = 1
text = '<LOC _High>',
key = 2
Looking at it, all the different resolutions is probably from when i tried to change it to see if any of them would fix my current problem