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Demigod Lagging Please HELP !!

By on June 29, 2013 8:11:58 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 06/2013

Hello For Everyone Guys .. 

Im New Player To This Amazing Game .. Im Dota2 Player Actually

just from 1 day ago and i had this game from friend in steam 

i trade him items for dota2 and he give invite for this game 

so .. when i end the install the game in the steam i try to launch it but i got some problems ( anyway i solve it )

the problem start when i got in the game .. i mean when i launch it .. it start lagging with every step 

and ofcours i can't play 1 game with that lagging cuz it make the game freez

so that is how i run Demigod from steam

first i have Linux ( ubuntu 13.04 ) last version

and i run every game from WINE ( 1.6-rc3) version 

and Dota2 Run Very good with this without any problem 

but the problem got with this game 

any help please 

any launch option for Demigod maybe ?

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June 29, 2013 2:17:07 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i'm not sure that Demigod will work very well with WINE. 

Also, Demigod is a P2P game, not a server-client and so the game will lag if you do not play with other players who are geographically close to your location. (check pings before you play)

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June 29, 2013 8:00:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thank you for your reply

i know that demigod only for windows.. but i try it with wine and as i said it's lagging when i simply entered the game 

and that's keep the game lagging and freezing for 1-2 second every 5 second or whenever i move the mouse 

so .. i try to install WINE ( 1.4 ) as they said at there website ( It's stable )

and the game RUN Very smoothly

BUT.. without any sound .. and that's happened to dota2 too

so when i go back to WINE 1.6-rc4

the sound return and the lag start

so it's seems the problem with WINE 

and im sure there a set launch option for it.. like dota2

but i can't found it yet

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