The ruling elite today, just as anytime in history, dont want you to question them
How is the current elite involved in this: man causes global warming to be more severe? They want people to think there is no real problem so don't worry we can destroy our planet without consequences...
Also, I dont understand why Alarmist/atheists are so afraid of the temperature going up a fraction of a degree over a decade.
I may be an alarmist (though I don't even know what that means), but you guessed wrong, I am Roman Catholic.. This word, alarmist is funny. It's like we shouldn't be worried about the changes our planet is facing nowadays, like these are not harmful. Do you really think this? Well, if yes, there are some problems with your attitude.
Noone knows at what temperature will the next ice age come, when will the North Atlantic current stop and completely change Europe's climate, warmer temperature means huge problems for agriculture, many species will die because they can't adapt with a parasit on their ecosystem (humans). If you think these are not problematic, well, good for you.
IMPORTANT THING: how will civilization handle the increased level of the oceans? Ice is melting (who denies it, is blind), and it will raise average level of the water. Several hundreds of millions people live in the big cities next to the oceans, you can't just simply build barrages (barriers? dams? the things that keep rivers in their watercourses) everywhere, or if this will become a solution, who will defend the cities of poor countries? And the salty water of the sea will spoil the ground water in large areas next to the sea.
Evolution is a very slow process, it does not happen in decades, but the warming will happen in the time of decades and centuries, there is not enough time to adapt well.
Global mean temperature in 2012 was less than it was in 2001 when the IPCC report came out.
Climate is full of smaller fluctuations, you should watch the tendency, not just numbers from a small interval. If you only take into consideration the temperatures around 1945 you could say Earth will freeze in decades.
These smaller fluctuations shouldn't make you calm, I guess if humans wouldn't have emitted so much CO2 in the air, this decrease would have been like the one around 1945 (but it's just an un-scientific guess of my own
You can see here the tendencies and minor fluctuations, and that it is strange that it began increasing at a larger pace when people began using cars much first in the USA then in Europe, and after 1980 around the time when several countries began to rise.
I don't think temperature rise and the emission change of CO2 are two completely different things that have no correlations. If you check, after 1910 there was an increase in both, and after 1945, there is also a jump, after some delay, it needs time to accumulate heat and have measurable effects.
It is an interesting thing what would have happened to the temperature if humans have not emitted CO2? as it seems there was a cooling near 1900 and 1945, but how can you separate human activity from natural things when humans changed almost everything on the planet...
There's a limit to sustainability....and likely a lot closer than most even dream.
It is said to be 10 billion, but I don't think Earth will be at the state to handle population. Americans use too much resources (if everyone used that much resources than an American, they would need 2+ Earths) (Europeans also), and China and many other states are developing and want to reach US standard. So there will be problems.
To make it clear, not the change in temperature is the problem, the rate of it, and the effect of humanity on nature. If you are constantly being killed you can't adapt to these changes, and thousands of species will die, habitats will disappear, and mankind digs it's own graves.
In the history of Earth when such increase in temperature happened, it was soon followed by major extinctions, and an Ice age due to the lack of polar ice sheets. (sounds contradictory, but if you do some research, you will see it is the cause of it). It must be stopped, if we want our children and grandchildren to have a planet to live on...
OK, I must admit, many things are questionable around global warming (and the impact of humans in it), BUT DO YOU REALLY WANT TO FIND IT OUT, WHAT'S THE TRUTH? I mean, what if it's true, what alarmist say? What if really an ice age is coming, and it will happen in 50 years? ISN'T IT ENOUGH TO TRY TO DO SOMETHING AGAINST IT? I mean, like hey, we should decrease the amount of CO2 we emit drastically, because we are not sure what will be the consequences. When the next ice age hits, it will be too late to say, hey, you were right, sorry. Thanks man, but it doesn't really matter now, as our civilization is currently collapsing.. NOONE KNOWS what is the limit of CO2 in the atmosphere when Earth's climate will break, or what temperature will cause another Ice age. The risks are too high, yet leading countries doesn't really give a f***, they aren't doing anything bigger against it, only speak about this, but noone is willing to do anything, because money is so damn important it even worths destroying our future. Capitalism is one of the worst thing that happened to mankind. But I don't understand, how comes that capitalism seeks the most profitable things, yet they do not care about the future, WHY? They are currently wasting uncountable trillions of dollars of income that would happen in the future just because they are not paying attention to nature, and overexploiting this planet. It will be too late when there will be no forests and lands for agriculture, no places for tourism, etc.