Quoting Victor5, reply 12
Spoken like someone who watches way too much Fox News -- or Fox News-equivalent.
Believe it or not, many great scientists around the world believe the theory of global *cooling* to be a far more likely outcome, perhaps foreseeable even in our lifetimes to a small extent. I was lucky enough to hear both sides from said scientists giving lectures in college.
I'm not saying I believe 100% in one theory or the other; nor do I believe I'm qualified to claim I know. But just because one concept has obviously been drilled into your brain since day one (global warming), doesn't make every other concept you're not as familiar with any less credible. This is where both ignorance and intolerance stem from -- either way, it isn't fair to your brain. Please consider this next time before being so condescending.
Actually, I never watch Fox News, as doing so will most likely promote "ignorance and intolerance". I've kept my mind open to climate denialists claims, but everytime a new denialist meme floats around the internet ("it's the sun", "it's cooling", "we'll be fine", "temperature record is unreliable", "the oceans can absorb all the extra heat", "there's no consensus", "climate's changed before", etc.), science is there to shoot it down. I'd love to read some papers from these "great scientists" that believe that the earth is cooling, but all the information I've been able to gather (scholarly journals) very clearly points to a man-made global climate change that will warm the planet to disastrous levels (for humans).
I'm sorry if I come off as a bit condescending, but I'm amazed (and quite tired) at the amount of Americans out there that believe AGW is a hoax just because they also vote for anyone with an 'R' next to their name. Skepticism is healthy, it allows us to challenge preconceived notions about our universe. Without it we would have never moved past how the earth is flat, etc. That word has been hijacked the last few years to mean "I don't believe in AGW and nothing you say, no amount of data, analysis and peer-reviewed literature you show me will make a difference." Pretty sad really, as skepticism is the opposite of ignorance. I'd like nothing more for these hoax claims to be true, as that means we can keep destroying forests, pumping pollutants into the atmosphere and plopping down strip malls anywhere we choose without consequences (well, the consequences of flooding all the coastlines anyways, we'll still have all the regular nastiness like cancer, emphysema and lung/heart disease, contaminated water supplies, etc. to deal with).
Being told the climate is cooling by people using critical thought, analysis, testing methods and producing repeatable results is great. Being told AGW is a hoax every time it snows is not.
Yeah you do come off as more than "a bit condescending". As I stated above, anytime someone doesnt agree with the alarmists, they try to demonize you or tell you that you are too ignorant to understand whats happening. Sounds to me like you are the intolerant one. Or is your intolerance ok?
True or false:
- The Earth has frozen over and melted many times in its entire history ::: True
- Other planets are also facing extremities in weather ::: True
- During the past years heat waves, many coincided with increased Solar activities ::: True
- "Climate scientists struggle to explain warming slowdown" ::: True
- Climate scientists were caught fudging data to show more of a warming trend than there actually was ::: True
With this, as well as much more evidence that leads to doubt about this alarmist nature, doubting the hysteria seems hardly "ignorant and intolerant" to me. You say "Skepticism is healthy". I guess it is only healthy until it disagrees with your perspective. Then, again, you go into your demonization of people who disagree with you by calling them "Flat Earthers". I must have some nerve to have a different opinion than you and the groups of people being paid by the government and special interest groups to find the results that they are pushing for.
But just because I dont believe in Global Warming doesnt mean I dont want to live in a cleaner environment. I think this is one of the biggest mistakes by climate alarmists. One, they unjustly think anyone that doesnt believe in their side, wants dirty air and water. Or that we are just controlled by the corporations. Thats just bull. The Alarmist crowd went about this the wrong way and should have focused more on Pollution instead of relying on weather as their battle cry. Should we be looking for cleaner and more efficient energy? Absolutely. But buying "Carbon Credits" does not clean the environment And doesnt prevent global warming/cooling/change. All it does is make Al Gore and his associates very wealthy. It also makes the population more poor and politicians more corrupt.