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Adobe Creative Cloud: One Month In

By on August 10, 2012 4:03:11 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Island Dog

Join Date 06/2003

I almost forgot to write this, but when it charged my account it was a good reminder!  If you remember, I decided to sign up for the new Adobe Creative Cloud which basically gives you access to the entire Adobe creative suite for a moderate monthly fee. 

So a month later I’m pretty happy I decided to sign up.  I haven’t had a lot of time to dig into everything it offers, but really my main focus was a few apps.

My favorites:

  • Photoshop CS6
  • Adobe Muse
  • Dreamweaver
  • Premiere Pro

Installing is easy, as it’s all done through the Adobe application manager which also keeps the apps updated.  I’m pretty familiar with Photoshop, but the other apps I have only dabbled with, and I did want to share a great Adobe resource I found.

Adobe TV has a ton of tutorials and guides for every product from the basics to advanced usage.  It covers many versions, so even if you don’t have the latest it’s still a great resource for our artists here.

8-10-2012 4-01-41 PM

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August 11, 2012 12:10:29 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Hmmm... Might need to look further into this after me n Kitty moves 2 our new place.

Thanks, good stuff Spencer.

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August 11, 2012 12:39:52 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Adobe TV has a ton of tutorials and guides for every product from the basics to advanced usage.  It covers many versions, so even if you don’t have the latest it’s still a great resource for our artists here.

Although I'm not an artist, the tutorials are really super! 

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