Please try not to choke on the saliva while having your epileptic seizure, doggu 
I had no doubt you will decline my offer. Mostly because you are a worthless piece of boastful crap, a liar, and a coward. A winning combo, that one. I don't think I despise anyone in this dead community more than you.
Yes, you were noob-bashing me a lot when I was a noob, obviously. But since you never played challenging matches - not once! - it's only logical that when I saw you in game last time, you were basically hiding behind that big corner tower as Rook vs Sedna
Enough said.
I play Sedna, QoT, or Oculus these days. And yes, my Occ is also quite unorthodox (surely not unique, though, as there is little space for maneuver, given the scarcity of his viable skills). What's wrong with that?
Besides, I have a good reason to believe my Sedna build is head-and-shoulders above any other Sedna build in 3v3. Actually, there is a lot of major differences between the classic Sed builds as summarized by hedgie and my own, so I don't know what the heck you are talking about. Probably just trolling. Ah, whatever.