I just decided to do a quickplay of 21 weeks with Mitt Romney and the result was really good.
The First Part
I started with a 2 points lead, about 45% for me and 43% for Clinton and the polls were actually showing that if the elections were held on the first week, I would win about 300/380 EVs and therefore be the president of the United States.
It wasn't so easy at all, Clinton started to neutralize my early lead but polls were showing Romney leading on the Electoral Vote. She was endorsed by many democratic institutions so her public awareness increased a lot. After some time she was with the Electoral Votes on her side, polls showing about 280/300 EVs for her!
I decided to pump my Advertising on television, radio and on Newspapers and created lots of Outreach Centers and Headquarters. The race started to get really close during the middle of the Campaign process, even California was a swing state!
Improving the Economy, the War on Terror and being against Federal Gun Control were my main platform and that helped me get the independent voters. I received endorsements from almost every republican institution and that helped me a lot in the red states and in the south. The problem was that Clinton was performing pretty good in the Rust Belt so I drafted all my attentions to that region
Picking Up a Running Mate.
During the middle of the campaign, I started to get a little bit nervous because I knew that I wouln't keep California with me and that Clinton would win there. I started to depend on Ohio and Pennsylvania and both were with the pinkie colour during the middle of the Campaign.
I decided to choose Tom Ridge, Former Governor of Pennsylvania and the 1st Secretary of Homeland Security, as my VP because I needed his state. Tom would help me on the Rust Belt states and that was exactly what I needed if I lost on California.
I don't know why but Hillary chose Dennis Kucinich. Maybe she needed Ohio but she could be focused on other states like Arkansas, Virginia, South Carolina (John Edwards) and specially on California!
EDIT: Actually she chose Joe Biden and that wasn't a great option... Delaware is always a Blue States! She should have chosen someone from Ohio or California, Al Gore would help her also!
The Second Part
I started to perform well after the VP decision and spent the rest of the time campaigning on the North, sometimes in California, and in Florida. All the endorsements available were over during the 18th week so I decided to focus on advertisements and at showing a strong message on the economic issues and on the war on terror.
At the very end of the presidential campaing, polls were showing that I would win with 300 EVs but in the last week I just traveled to California, fundraised, launched an add, made a speech and the Blue State turned Pink.
The Election Night
I knew that I was going to win but I was afraid of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. When Massachusetts turned Blue, I thought "My home state? I´m done =/" but then Pennsylvania, Iowa, Florida, Ohio and Virginia went red so I decided to relax =P
The greatest surprise was in California, when it went Red, I just started to laugh. The Race was over and I made Mitt Romney President of the United States!
The Results:
The Map