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Petition to overthrow IN1's behavior

By on April 12, 2012 2:32:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 08/2009

Hello guys and girls,

as a former Demigod player, I loved this game for its community and the nice behavior of anyone. Of course there are trolls and flamers in game, but those at least stay away from the Forum and/or got punished plenty of times. Now I've been watching OMGIN1 for the past months. In every single post he insults and heaps reproaches on others without any facts.

I cannot tolerate this behavior any further. Free speech and opinions are fine with me. But constantly verbally attacking every single individual who has an opinion of him or herself is harassment and can be damaging for the individual and community.

I want Demigod to stay the nice place, where everyone is trying to have fun and not insulting each other.

If you agree on this please comment on this thread with just a few words.



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April 12, 2012 2:32:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


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April 12, 2012 3:22:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The only thing you can change by issuing this sycophantic petition is getting my forum account temporarily (most likely) banned. It won't change your being a talentless pretentious dickhead that dares to call himself an artist for no reason at all (except it sounds important). Such a profanity.

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April 12, 2012 3:51:07 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting ,

Hello guys and girls,

as a former Demigod player, I loved this game for its community and the nice behavior of anyone. Of course there are trolls and flamers in game, but those at least stay away from the Forum and/or got punished plenty of times. Now I've been watching OMGIN1 for the past months. In every single post he insults and heaps reproaches on others without any facts.

I cannot tolerate this behavior any further. Free speech and opinions are fine with me. But constantly verbally attacking every single individual who has an opinion of him or herself is harassment and can be damaging for the individual and community.

I want Demigod to stay the nice place, where everyone is trying to have fun and not insulting each other.

If you agree on this please comment on this thread with just a few words.





Nana approve! Zen_God nice US&A boy!

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April 12, 2012 4:29:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMGIN1,
The only thing you can change by issuing this sycophantic petition is getting my forum account temporarily (most likely) banned.

Seeing as captain planet is enough for a perma ban, I can only hope you get permabanned.  You're being incredibly rude to anyone and everyone.  

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April 12, 2012 5:06:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Even as a sort of newcomer (played at launch for a few months) coming into this community it was immediately clear that it had a very rotten apple in it. So many lobbies that I have lost count now, IN1 arrives, insults someone, lately me, sometimes someone else and leaves. And you have already covered his posting behavior in the original post. the thing is I find in these lobbies is that there is always universal agreement to what a complete tool this guy is, but most people try to ignore him. 


However, he is not going to change, he cannot now, its not like he is some 13yr kid being a jerk, he is an adult with an entrenched personality. The sad thing is he reminds me very strongly of a guy at work. Now I am actually a mate of this guy, most people despise him, he has his big personality flaws, his over-whelming arrogance, the conceit, the need to try and belittle others. But I can see why this guy is the way he is. In short because he is an intelligent but unattractive and lonely individual who feels the need to put up bullshit barriers so avoid getting hurt by the rejection he has grown so custom to.


I think it is exactly the same with IN1. He craves attention online in this small game community because he is scared of engaging with his own real world. He attempts to belittle and insult people to gain a sense of control over people, its a safety thing. And most likely because others throughout his life have have used power over him in a way he found deeply uncomfortable. We know he is very overweight, again a symptom of seeking solace in pleasure to escape other pains. He simply is the way he is as a way to compensate for his life which I would bet was comfortable in some respects but so lonely. 


The real shame is he does try and be decent and takes so much time writing up guides and the like as he seeks the respect and acceptance of the community. But then reverts to his hang ups the next moment with completely unnecessarily hostility and attacks on players. Like the kid that was always left out or bullied by the supposed coolkids he admired, and now wants to be the coolkid and thinks that involves finding weaker types to pick on. Thus his whole pro-worship coupled with his constant attacks and insults on others.


Because I have spoken out against him in the past he often gets very aggressive and unpleasant to me when he can, but it does not bother me. I am a well adjust very happy family man at peace with myself, there is literally nothing he could ever say to me that impacts on how I feel about my good job, nice home, smart kids, and beautiful wife, and I actually find it quite sad that this guy has lived the life he has that has made him need to act the way he does to feel safe.


IN1 is not going to get better, I would wager he will get worse for years yet. One day he might actually let someone come into his life and he will finally start feel loved and wanted, and a lot of this bullsh@t will wash away, but until then we just have to try and tolerate his behavior. Try not to respond to it. Just try and be understanding that what he says is to try and make him feel better about himself, sadly, by trying so hard to make others feel worse about themselves.

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April 12, 2012 9:34:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I disagree,  DG was fun because of all the drama.  When a game would lag out we could all come to the forums and be entertained.


NVM I just read IN1's post that is a little overkill.  Drama is fun when it doesn't go to far,  I think an example of too far is IN1's post previous to mine.  IN1  didnt anyone tell you to respect your elders?  Zen took 1k games to get to his position of goodness in DG and has always been a helping hand in the community.  Stop being rude or you will have to feel my wrath.  And trust me I always win in wars of words. (its a gay thing)

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April 12, 2012 11:18:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting K_B,
IN1 is not going to get better, I would wager he will get worse for years yet. One day he might actually let someone come into his life and he will finally start feel loved and wanted, and a lot of this bullsh@t will wash away, but until then we just have to try and tolerate his behavior. Try not to respond to it. Just try and be understanding that what he says is to try and make him feel better about himself, sadly, by trying so hard to make others feel worse about themselves.
Well I've tried for months in game and on the forum to get to IN1 to self-reflect. I have no problem with him insulting me and everything else. The issue is when I see him attack people that actually enjoy his write ups. I mean who does that?  People come here for fun, because they are depressed, of the love of video games, or they want to be the best, etc. Just because someone has a terrible real life situation does not mean one can let it out on others. We have professionals for that. And I offered myself to let him speak out everything on my show, but he declined. So at least he has to obey the forum rules like the law or create his on website where he can do what he wants, but not here please!

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April 12, 2012 11:24:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

In1's account was banned by another admin today for continual harassment.  His account was temp banned (as a warning) for a week by me for harassment about a month or so ago.  This follow up ban was a perma ban. I'm not sure if the ban was IP based or not, but any new accounts from IN1 will be banned immediately going forward.  I'm closing out this thread. 

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