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Demigod DRM?

What's the story?

By on January 30, 2012 9:07:03 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 01/2012

So, I'm interested in playing Demigod.  I want to buy the retail boxed version (Collector's Edition).  I've been looking around and am confused about the state of DRM for this game.  I've read that the CD version is DRM free.  But once I update the game, then DRM comes with it.  Is that true?  What's the story with that?  Simply put, as of today, does the latest version of Demigod have any DRM on it?



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January 30, 2012 9:45:44 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Here's the way it works - there is no DRM; however, the only way to update the game (if you bought it at retail) is to update it through impulse/steam.  So, there's no real DRM - you are just forced to use a client to update the game.  Bottom line:  no DRM.


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January 30, 2012 10:01:39 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

So, I take it that the game has a CD key that I use to update the game.  I can live with that.


The Collector's Edition (on this website) includes a digital download.  Is that Impulse or Steam?



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January 30, 2012 11:17:28 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yes - there is a CD Key.

I'm not 100% sure where you get the digital download from at this point if you purchase the collector's edition.  If you want to know, shoot an email to [email protected] and I'm sure they can answer any question of that sort for you.

I think there are actually 3 places you can get Demigod digitally at this point:  impulse, steam, or directly through Stardock's new online store. 

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January 30, 2012 10:33:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Just buy it through steam, download and install. To install from the CD will take 10 times longer because it will need to be updated which from memory is just a complete download of the full version anyway. CD = waste of time. I bought it retail upon release and have since thrown it all in the bin. Gone to landfill, a great place for it.

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January 31, 2012 11:09:34 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thanks for the suggestion.  But I don't like Steam.  Aside from Steam as a DRM, I really don't need another piece of software running when I play my game.  And I really don't care for its update management.  So, I bought the game off this website.

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