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[MOD] Unlock All Favor Items v1.0

By on January 4, 2012 5:46:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 11/2011

- created by Qaia AKA madface,


- v1.0


Eliminates the cost for all Favor items.

- Throughout the course of playing the game, you are rewarded "Favor" by performing certain tasks in-game;
- This Favor is used as currency to purchase items (represented by the trophy icon at the far right of the in-game panel at the bottom of the screen);
- Favor is used as currency requiring you to "buy" each item. You lose Favor based on the purchase cost of an item;
- Only one Favor item may be used per game;
- Once a Favor item has been selected for a game it cannot be changed for that particular game.

This mod sets the Favor purchase cost for each item to 0, thereby letting you buy each item immediately.


1) Navigate to the Demigod mods directory, ex., \games\steam\steamapps\common\demigod\bindata\mods\
2) Create a new directory called "UAFI", i.e., \mods\UAFI\
3) Extract the files in UAFI_v1.0.rar into \mods\UAFI\

   You should have the following files and directory:

     - \mods\UAFI\hook
     - \mods\UAFI\mod_info.lua
     - \mods\UAFI\readme.txt

4) Enable the mod using the in-game mod manager.


(single-player only)

Enabling the above mod will only set the costs for the Favor items to 0. However, you still need to "purchase" each item in-game. Adding the following code to your Game.prefs (\My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod\Game.prefs) file will display each item in-game as PURCHASED. The benefit of adding this code is that you will no longer be prompted in-game whether or not you want to purchase an item when you select it, i.e., you simply select the item and use it.

profile = {
    current = 1,
    profiles = {
            achievements = {
                PurchaseCost = 0,
                PurchaseItem = 'AchievementVision',
                Items = {

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January 4, 2012 6:24:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I believe you can also accomplish the same thing without a mod just by editing the game.prefs file and adjusting the following.

Look for the first line of code including the word "achievements."  Looks like this...

         achievements = {
                Points = 150

Points are your current favor points.  Change that to 99999 or what have you, then you can buy whatever.  Save game.prefs and you now have 99999 favor points.  This only works for single player, though.  I'm guessing your mod is also the same, but really don't know.


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January 4, 2012 9:22:16 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yes, your approach also works. However, the mod approach as I have posted will also work for online play and not just single player.

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January 5, 2012 12:17:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

From looking at your code, it looks like everyone would have to have this mod installed for it to work in multiplayer.  I might be wrong, but that's always been my impression (folks can't join your games if they don't have this mod installed and you have it enabled (again - you as the host, them trying to join)).  Perhaps try hosting a game and see if anyone can join you when you have the mod enabled (that doesn't have your mod). 

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January 5, 2012 11:18:59 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Tested - this mod does not work in online mode.  I'd wager it would if the host had the mod installed and everyone that joined the game would.  It does not work if you join a game with the mod on and the host doesn't have it enabled. 

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