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Please help me with item editing

By on January 1, 2012 8:22:59 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 01/2012

i need somebody to help me make this item mod work cause i cant seem to get it working in-game so i want somebody to tell me what to do and or make it work by doing it yourself

heres the code i was working on (its based off all fathers ring)


Code: c++
  1. #################################################################################################################
  2. # Almighty
  3. #################################################################################################################
  4. ItemBlueprint {
  5.     Name = 'Item_Artifact_130',
  6.     DisplayName = '<LOC ITEM_Artifact_0030>Almighty/'s ring of faith,
  7.     Tooltip = {
  8.         Bonuses = {
  9.             '<LOC ITEM_Artifact_0097>+[GetHealthBonus] Health',
  10.             '<LOC ITEM_Chest_0025>+[GetRegenBonus] Health Per Second',
  11.             '<LOC ITEM_Artifact_0098>+[GetManaBonus] Mana',
  12.             '<LOC ITEM_Boot_0012>+[GetManaRegenBonus] Mana Per Second',
  13.             '<LOC ITEM_Artifact_0099>+[GetArmorBonus] Armor',
  14.             '<LOC ITEM_Glove_0001>+[GetDamageBonus] Weapon Damage',
  15.             '<LOC ITEM_Glove_0003>+[GetAttackSpeedBonus]% Attack Speed',
  16.             '<LOC ITEM_Artifact_0100>+[GetMovementBonus]% Movement Speed',
  17.             '<LOC ITEM_Boot_0013>+[GetDodgeBonus]% Dodge',
  18.         },
  19.         MBonuses = {
  20.             '<LOC MBONUS_0000>+[GetMinionHealthBonus] Minion Health',
  21.             '<LOC MBONUS_0003>+[GetMinionArmorBonus] Minion Armor',
  22.             '<LOC MBONUS_0004>+[GetMinionDamageBonus] Minion Damage',
  23.             '<LOC MBONUS_0006>+[GetMinionROFBonus]% Minion Attack Speed',
  24.         },
  25.         TargetAlliance = 'Ally',
  26.     },
  27.     GetHealthBonus = function(self) return Buffs['Item_Artifact_130'].Affects.MaxHealth.Add end,
  28.     GetRegenBonus = function(self) return Buffs['Item_Artifact_130'].Affects.Regen.Add end,
  29.     GetManaBonus = function(self) return Buffs['Item_Artifact_130'].Affects.MaxEnergy.Add end,
  30.     GetManaRegenBonus = function(self) return Buffs['Item_Artifact_130'].Affects.EnergyRegen.Add end,
  31.     GetArmorBonus = function(self) return Buffs['Item_Artifact_130'].Affects.Armor.Add end,
  32.     GetDamageBonus = function(self) return Buffs['Item_Artifact_130'].Affects.DamageRating.Add end,
  33.     GetAttackSpeedBonus = function(self) return math.floor( Buffs['Item_Artifact_130'].Affects.RateOfFire.Mult * 100 ) end,
  34.     GetMovementBonus = function(self) return math.floor( Buffs['Item_Artifact_130'].Affects.MoveMult.Mult * 100 ) end,
  35.     GetDodgeBonus = function(self) return Buffs['Item_Artifact_130'].Affects.Evasion.Add end,
  36.     GetMinionHealthBonus = function(self) return Buffs['Item_Artifact_130Army'].Affects.MaxHealth.Add end,
  37.     GetMinionArmorBonus = function(self) return Buffs['Item_Artifact_130Army'].Affects.Armor.Add end,
  38.     GetMinionDamageBonus = function(self) return Buffs['Item_Artifact_130Army'].Affects.DamageRating.Add end,
  39.     GetMinionROFBonus = function(self) return math.floor(Buffs['Item_Artifact_130Army'].Affects.RateOfFire.Mult * 100) end,
  40.     Mesh = '/meshes/items/chest/chest_mesh',
  41.     Animation = '/meshes/items/chest/Animations/chest_Idle_anim.gr2',
  42.     MeshScale = 0.10,
  43.     Icon = 'NewIcons/Ring/Ring6',
  44.     Abilities = {
  45.         AbilityBlueprint {
  46.             Name = 'Item_Artifact_130',
  47.             AbilityType = 'Quiet',
  48.             Icon = 'NewIcons/Ring/Ring6',
  49.             FromItem = 'Item_Artifact_130',
  50.             Buffs = {
  51.                 BuffBlueprint {
  52.                     Name = 'Item_Artifact_130',
  53.                     BuffType = 'IARTSTATSRING',
  54.                     Debuff = false,
  55.                     EntityCategory = 'ALLUNITS',
  56.                     Stacks = 'ALWAYS',
  57.                     Duration = -1,
  58.                     Affects = {
  59.                         MaxHealth = {Add = 20000, AdjustEnergy = true},
  60.                         Regen = {Add = 300},
  61.                         MaxEnergy = {Add = 15000, AdjustEnergy = true},
  62.                         EnergyRegen = {Add = 250},
  63.                         Armor = {Add = 4000},
  64.                         DamageRating = {Add = 200},
  65.                         RateOfFire = {Mult = .40},
  66.                         MoveMult = {Mult = 0.30},
  67.                         Evasion = {Add = 30},
  68.                     },
  69.                     Effects = 'SingleRing01',
  70.                 }
  71.             },
  72.             OnAbilityAdded = function(self, unit)
  73.                 unit:GetAIBrain():AddArmyBonus( 'Item_Artifact_130Army', unit )
  74.             end,
  75.             OnRemoveAbility = function(self, unit)
  76.                 unit:GetAIBrain():RemoveArmyBonus( 'Item_Artifact_130Army', unit )
  77.             end,
  78.         }
  79.     },
  80. }
  81. ArmyBonusBlueprint {
  82.     Name = 'Item_Artifact_130Army',
  83.     ApplyArmies = 'Single',
  84.     UnitCategory = 'MINION',
  85.     RemoveOnUnitDeath = true,
  86.     Buffs = {
  87.         BuffBlueprint {
  88.             Name = 'Item_Artifact_130Army',
  89.             BuffType = 'IARTSTATSRING',
  90.             Debuff = false,
  91.             Stacks = 'REPLACE',
  92.             Duration = -1,
  93.             Affects = {
  94.                 MaxHealth = {Add = 1000, AdjustEnergy = false},
  95.                 Armor = {Add = 375},
  96.                 DamageRating = {Add = 10},
  97.                 RateOfFire = {Mult = .15},
  98.                 MoveMult = {Mult = 0.1},
  99.             },
  100.         }
  101.     }
  102. }
  103. __moduleinfo.auto_reload = true

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January 3, 2012 9:47:48 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

There is more to adding an item then just this part.

You also need to add the item to the appropriate shop layout and give it a price. In this case you'll want to do this to the files located in 'units\ug\b\ugbshop06' for the trinket shop.


Also check out this forum post.

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