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Demigod: Purchased from Steam, cannot login to Demigod

This is after clicking on internet through multiplayer

By on December 15, 2011 12:37:18 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 12/2011

Here's what I've done so far. I buy the game through steam, Game downloads, I launch the game, window pops up asking me to register with Stardock account, I create stardock account because I didnt have one to begin with, I register the game with that account, I activate the account through the email, I launch the game, I click on multiplayer, I click on internet, I tried the login info I used to get on the forums which is slayr91 and the same password I just logged in with on here, game says "invalid username and/or password" Which is not true because I have typed everything in exactly the same. I have even tried logging into the game with my email and still no luck. A solution would be very much appreciated since I really want to play this awesome game!

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December 15, 2011 12:43:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


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December 15, 2011 12:47:10 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Just did the same thing, with one exception: I had registered a Stardock account here to post on this forum before actually buying the game.

No problems with logging in for me though. Can access Multiplayer fine, browse the list of custom games, etc.

Perhaps you're mistyping your password? Or perhaps you're trying to login with your e-mail address rather than your username?

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December 15, 2011 1:12:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I have tried logging in with both ,I know I am not typing my password wrong tho, because I type it the exact same when logging into the forum here,I've even gone to great lengths as typing my password extremely slow so that I see that I'm hitting the correct keys, and still getting the same error



EDIT: is it possible the login server is down?

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December 15, 2011 1:54:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting slayr91,
I have tried logging in with both ,I know I am not typing my password wrong tho, because I type it the exact same when logging into the forum here,I've even gone to great lengths as typing my password extremely slow so that I see that I'm hitting the correct keys, and still getting the same error



EDIT: is it possible the login server is down?

Oh, I think I know why you might be having problems.

I had to setup port forwarding for Demigod back when I had it on Impulse and that port forwarding is still active on my router.

Forward ports 6000 through 6200. That's what I have forwarded and I have no issues.


They probably need to add that info to the in-game menu or post it on the site.

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December 15, 2011 8:08:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

it has not worked yet, but is there a way for me to check if I have forwarded those ports correctly?


EDIT: I forgot to mention, that the game doesnt even seem to connect to anything, it just displays the same error as mentioned above.

No "connecting" message or anything 


EDIT2: Just realized IMPULSE is a separate client from steam, does this mean I have to purchase the game from IMPULSE!? Now I'm getting confused....

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December 15, 2011 8:21:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


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December 15, 2011 8:27:46 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

you will need to login with the username and password you created for your stardock account.  Sounds like that's what you are doing, but I just wanted to make sure you know that's exactly what you need.

Your current problem is not related to port forwarding.  The authentication servers simply don't recognize your username/password which seems to indicate that you are entering it wrong, you didn't register the game to that account, or there is a problem on stardock's side. 

To confirm that you successfully registered your account, go here:

Log in with your Stardock account username and pw.  Do you see Demigod listed after you log in?  If so, you did successfully register it.  If not, then go here and register:

Then provide feedback here if you are still having problems.  It might be a good idea to shoot an email to [email protected] in case the issue is on their side so they can get you up and running.  Hope this helps!



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December 15, 2011 8:35:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yes it is there 

Demigod (Digital Download)

Version: 1.30.0 [2.00 GB]    |   12/8/2011 
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December 15, 2011 9:22:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

OK - so you obviously registered it right when you created your account.  I can provide a few more suggestions, but you should shoot an email to [email protected] and I'm sure they'll sort your account out if you can't resolve it yourself.

Here's what I'd try.

  1. Confirm 100% that you are entering your stardock username and password 100% correct, case sensitive.
  2. Try to reset your password and pick a new one -
  3. Delete game.prefs (just do a search for it).  This is a file that stores config information for demigod.  It will automatically be recreated when you launch demigod again.

Barring that, I'm pretty sure stardock will have to do something with your account to get it working as it should.  Sorry that this has been a pain for you.  Hope you are up and playing soon!

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December 16, 2011 1:44:54 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Had the exact same issue with my friend.  I bought the 4 pack on steam, gave him a copy.  I could log into mine/his account on my PC.  He could log into no account on his, but he could log into his/mine on his wife's machine.  That narrowed the problem down to his machine being the issue.


I checked his log files (DemigodLog.txt), and he was getting:


info: 00:00:49: Error from CVP. Response XML:
The handle is invalid.
info: 00:00:49: >>>Entering CVPInterface::IsAppUpdateRequired()
info: 00:00:49: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::IsAppUpdateRequired()
info: 00:00:49: *DEBUG: OnHide: \000true
info: 00:00:49: MUSIC : Activating cue [Main_Menu]
info: 00:00:49: *DEBUG: OnHide: \000false
info: 00:00:53: >>>Entering CVPInterface::ClientLogin()
info: 00:00:53: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::ClientLogin()
info: 00:00:53: Error from CVP. Response XML:
The handle is invalid.


While I was getting:


info: 00:00:21: Error from CVP. Response XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><CVPGetApplicationInfoResponse><ResponseCode>0</ResponseCode><ResponseMessage>Success</ResponseMessage><WebServer>WALNUT1</WebServer><ApplicationData><ID>444</ID><ApplicationID>dem</ApplicationID><RegistryKey>Demigod</RegistryKey><NetworkRegistryKey></NetworkRegistryKey><Ver d3p1:type="VersionInfoEX" xmlns:d3p1=""><Major>1</Major><Minor>30</Minor><Revision>165</Revision><ServerType>1</ServerType><ProductionType>1</ProductionType></Ver><Versions><Ver><Major>1</Major><Minor>30</Minor><Revision>165</Revision><ServerType>1</ServerType><ProductionType>1</ProductionType></Ver><Ver><Major>1</Major><Minor>00[b]</Minor><Revision>074</Revision><ServerType>1</ServerType><ProductionType>0</ProductionType></Ver><Ver><Major>1</Major><Minor>30</Minor><Revision>165</Revision><ServerType>0</ServerType><ProductionType>1</ProductionType></Ver><Ver><Major>1</Major><Minor>20[b]</Minor><Revision>074</Revision><ServerType>0</ServerType><ProductionType>0</ProductionType></Ver></Versions></ApplicationData></CVPGetApplicationInfoResponse>


The solution we came up with (on windows 7) was disabling the firewall (domain, home, and public), disabling UAC, and checking the "run as administrator" option in the compatibility tab of the demigod.exe properties.


He can't run it with the steam overlay, he just double-clicks the demigod.exe now, but he's now able to log in.  I also have windows 7, with my firewall and UAC disabled, but I can run it through steam and didn't have to do anything with changing how the program runs.  Just a quirk I suppose.


Hope this helps!

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December 16, 2011 8:31:36 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Interesting - thanks for the added help, dhakattack. 

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December 16, 2011 9:46:35 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

slayr91,  sounds like you may be having a similar issue as to what dhakattack described.  You may need to allow Demigod.exe through your firewall.

Also, are you going through a proxy server?  Possible that might be cause issues too.  If you are going through a Proxy do you have your proxy settings setup in Internet Explorer?

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December 16, 2011 10:02:15 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

So Guys looks like it has something to do with steam, since steam wont launch the game as administrator. So I did it from the game's .exe with run as admin  it worked fine lol Thanks everyone! You were all a great help!!!! 

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December 16, 2011 10:58:56 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Great - glad to hear you are back up and running!  Have fun.

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December 20, 2011 11:24:11 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

slayr91, after you got the game to work, could you log back into Steam and run the game from Steam this time and then try to log into the multiplayer again.


I would like to make sure that the game is fixed within Steam or whether your problem persists.



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December 31, 2011 8:22:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

hello i have the same problem but it works without steam but not with steam please help

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January 1, 2012 5:29:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



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January 2, 2012 7:05:01 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

why nobody help?

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January 2, 2012 10:46:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting mrnitrodown,
why nobody help?

I'd wager the folks at stardock likely have the weekend off due to the holiday. 

Quoting mrnitrodown,
hello i have the same problem but it works without steam but not with steam please help

So, you are saying that you are able to play the game fine as long as you don't launch the game through steam.  I have that right? 

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January 2, 2012 11:12:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

yes u do

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January 2, 2012 12:44:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

OK - well glad you can at least play the game... step 1 covered... now for getting it to work the way it actually should (within steam). 

Couple of things to try if you haven't yet - can you change steam.exe so that it is run as administrator?  I know in the past this has solved similar issues for me with running through steam.  I'd also change Demigod.exe to run as admin (just do a search for both files and then change to run as admin in properties.

You'll need to close steam, make the changes, then relaunch steam.  See if that helps any.

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January 2, 2012 1:00:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

unfortunately it does not seem to make any difference towards changing this issue

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January 4, 2012 11:07:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


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January 5, 2012 4:03:01 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

deinstall, use CC Cleaner to remove steam traces, then reinstall.

 EDIT: If you have other games too, find a steamapp folder (or common folder) and copy it so you dont have to download all the games from steam again. After reinstall you just copy the folders in same places, and run them one by one. Steam will check them and itll work.

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January 5, 2012 1:40:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

nope unluckly did not work

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