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Ladder Reset

By on December 8, 2011 11:03:18 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

In an effort to help spark more interest with the active Demigod community we are resetting the stats for the Ladder leader board. This will clear out old inactive players and allow the people, who are currently playing Demigod, to be able to more easily move up the ladder and hopefully conquer that #1 spot.  

Starting now, games played will be counted toward the new ladder (under Epoch IV in  your games list).  The current ladder stats will continue to show for the rest of the day, and tomorrow, when the job runs to re-calculate the rankings, you will see the new ladder stats.

Custom Game and Overall ranking stats will remain intact.

Also, we restarted the Pantheon Tournament reducing the Goal points to 5000.  That way we wont have a never ending tournament and should actually be able to reach the end.


+50 Karma | 8 Replies
December 8, 2011 12:44:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Does this mean its coming to Steam soon? Perhaps another balance update or two!?

December 8, 2011 12:49:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Infact, I see you have removed the Shift-Tab for Impulse from the game... this kinda suggests that the steam overlay of shifttab might now not conflict with the impulse one.


These are all good signs as no-one has confirmed Demigod 100% on steam yet, although, all the signs are there!

December 8, 2011 2:31:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

since when do such fairytalesexist?

December 8, 2011 10:05:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Heh, I logged into Pantheon and waited around for an hour this week.

I thought it was funny.

BTW it is nice to see something is still happening with Demigod.

Impulse Tab removed (shift+tab)
Demigod Menu added (ctrl+tab)

December 8, 2011 11:52:39 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Just to put this out there - I'd love to see the AI added back into pantheon games, but have it not count for ladder ranking anymore (or perhaps allow it to count for the ladder, but make sure beating the AI didn't give you any ladder bonuses).  Should be easy to remove from the stats by searching for AI name and removing any games that are 1v1 and have an AI on the other side. 

December 10, 2011 8:31:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Pantheon points should probably be more then 5000

We are 1/2 there since the reset

December 15, 2011 9:28:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

T-man changed it up to 50,000 from the 5k it was at.  This should still be attainable within like a month or so methinks.  Just FYI.  50k = now.

December 15, 2011 10:17:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Awesome. So there is active support and the game wasn't just thrown out on Steam as a quick money grab.


If Demigod gets a good multiplayer/competitive community going, that'll just be epic.

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