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know what would be really nice

By on October 8, 2011 7:52:54 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

I just had to hunt down a post that I had responded to some time ago regarding a skinning tip. I found it on page 7, but during the process I was thinking how nice it would be if we could eliminate responses that were general from our list. I think I asked that some time ago and was told that it couldn't be done, so...

would it be possible to add a checkbox to "my posts" and "my replies" that we could check for personal importance which would also be sortable. Click on a sort button and all those checked box responses would jump to the top of the list.

don't know if possible but sure would be nice.

+223 Karma | 6 Replies
October 8, 2011 7:59:59 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Samarkand...Shangri la...utopia....Many names for that place

October 8, 2011 9:32:19 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

That would be nice Greg. Even if there was something like Facebook has which is the hide post. I'm sure some things can be done but Stardock also may have other reasons they don't wish to explain. I do think I remember this request from another person some time ago but can't locate it.

Another thing I would like to see is be able to do a search for holiday skins only. Right now we have to either search the entire WB, Wallpaper, etc. sections or count on ID to make a list with a few Holiday skins on it. Could be a way this is already done but I haven't found it using many different search combinations. I do know from having my own web site a few years back that a category can be made for say Halloween, Christmas, etc. skins. However this would require more pages, server space and maintenance. Right on the main WB page there could be lnks for each of the four holidays that come to mind people may be looking for. Resources can run thin with someone having to do this stuff and I can understand that also. Main problem I can see is if it was just making a category for say Windowblinds maybe it would be done. However everyone would want one for walls, etc. etc. Now that becomes a lot of work. So I just sit here and search through the pages. Most of the time you get to know who makes what and it's easier to just search through their pages. Sort of like if you want a winstep theme most know just go to WG site and you can fine whatever you would want. Hell most of the time I don't have anything else to do anyway.

October 8, 2011 10:35:18 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I would be happy just with a more personalizable "User Control Panel" of some sort that other forums have for keeping track of threads and replies.

October 9, 2011 8:07:49 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

I can think of several 'features' I'd prefer to see...all of which are more significant [to me at least].  One would be EVERY instance of a person's nick showing [at left] or in skin comments...person's site...PMs....everywhere...afforded the same 'access' for Admins to interact.

They don't.....which is quite silly at best.

Same goes for every instance of a skin-name/url/whatever.  ALL 'should' allow access/control...but they don't.

Most of the 'public' features/requests are going to be problematic because of the cross-linking of so many sites...where only 'parts' of a forum relate to others.  Often when a new feature is added there's a frantic chase to correct the bits it inadvertently broke....

October 9, 2011 9:29:26 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

As is the case with Gamefront at the moment. That place is a mess behind the scenes.

October 9, 2011 10:13:39 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

You might have better luck using your browser's bookmark function. Most allow for tags and the ability to sort them all into a specific folder as well.

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