Am I the only one thinking that is ugly as hell?
It's like the South end of a North-bound camel.
And that Metro or whatever the f**k it is.... it's kin'orrible.
So Microsoft would want to put a proper OS in there with a better attempt at a UI than that feeble attempt at recreating an ad for an app store.
If I wanted that kind of app crap I'd get a 'so-called' smart phone.... and what's so f**king smart about them anyhow. My supposedly less intelligent $29 Nokia makes calls and sends texts... receives them, too... just as well as any of those $500 units that everything but do yer laundry and reheat leftovers.
Anyhow, I've recovered from my mental detour, so back to Win 8. Given the little I've seen so far, I'm not impressed. The idea of apps and the 'Cloud' replacing regular PC software does not appeal to me one bit, nor do those gaudy colours in that Metro mishmash, so if there's not a regular GUI that's fully customisable underneath that eyesore, then Win 8 will be staying on the shelf.
Yeah, I know, you're say that I need to get with the times, but for me, that [gaudy Fisher Price looking Metro thing] is going backwards... at a rate of knots I moved from XP to Vista to get away from sickening colour schemes, so there's no way I'm going back. Nope, as much as I like new toys, I'll be sticking with Win 7 if there's not a marked improvement on what I've seen so far.