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Pacov's LoL page for folks that play or played Demigod and now play LoL (also)

Feel free to jump in and discuss lol even if you aren't Demigod alumni

By on August 17, 2011 12:29:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 02/2008

So, during the (12 day or so) downtime with the MP servers, I decided to give LoL another go and have been enjoying myself.  I'm glad DG is back up and running, but the break was enough for me to try another competitive DoTa style game and start to enjoy it.  This thread isn't about bashing DG or any nonsense (so don't ffs).  Its simply a place for those of us that play or have played DG and now play LoL as a main or occasionally to discuss the game and keep in touch. 

So - chime in here if you have been playing LoL with your experiences or whatever you want to chat about.


I'll get us started.  I've been enjoying the F2P aspect of LoL quite a bit.  Remember WAAAAYYYY back when favor points in DG meant something?  Eg - remember playing games and looking forward to unlocking a favor item you wanted to try out?  It's like that all the time with LoL (well, it will be for quite some time anyway).  You get IP (favor points) for every game you play.  You can shell out some money if you really want to buy all of the characters, etc (the temptation is always there for the quick win), but you can also just play for fun and earn enough IP to unlock a new char, etc.  It's been very satisfying for me slowly earn enough IP to try out a new character, etc.

As it stands, I'm ok with 3 characters (card guy, silv, and viking pants - there are so many char it takes awhile to learn all the names).  I'm ok early, decent mid game, and utter SHITE late game with my characters.  It seems very diff from DG in that respect (if we are kicking ass early/mid, you can't harass like a god late game - that's gotten me killed more than a few times).  There are ALOT of reasonable builds (from what I can tell).  I started by trying out many diff char vs ai to learn them (that's why I'm like level 12 with "13 wins" or so).  Then I learned you get more IP from playing against humans, so I just switched up.

Anyway, I think the game is fun now and I'm looking forward to the new domination mode (it's a Demigod knock off imo) that is essentially holding points to get bonuses from what I understand.  Hearing about that mode is pretty much exactly why I started playing.  Oh, and pretty damn close to 100% of games end because another team beat you - not because someone dropped. 

Anyway, I'm going thru a learning curve.  I play with folks that are "experienced" and I often think they are retarded after my impressive 40 games or so (vs their 500+ games).  The strats often sound idiotic to me.  But that said, I fell into line in a game with jon, paint, obi, and 2 of jon's clan mates tonight and we scored a win when i thought we were done.  My biggest weakness (I think anyway) is not knowing what folks can do with their characters... I think there are like 70 char... as a new player, you have NO IDEA what each char can do until you play them or play against them enough... and that will take some time.  Anyway, I'm pacov on LoL if you play and want to add me as a friend.  I'm not exactly good, but I probably won't lose you the game at this point.  We should organize some LoL games and some DG games.  Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you.

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August 17, 2011 12:29:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


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August 17, 2011 4:22:55 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You get IP (favor points) for every game you play. You can shell out some money if you really want to buy all of the characters, etc (the temptation is always there for the quick win), but you can also just play for fun and earn enough IP to unlock a new char, etc. It's been very satisfying for me slowly earn enough IP to try out a new character, etc.
Once you play LoL enough it will become very similar as with Demigod. You will have almost every champion and needed runes. The skins are the only things you can't buy with IP :'(
It seems very diff from DG in that respect (if we are kicking ass early/mid, you can't harass like a god late game
the main difference is that LoL is 5v5 vs Demigod 3v3. You can't really kick ass against a grouped up 5 team by yourself, while in demigod you can 1v3 in certain situations. And yeah the game speed and no sigil aspect. Also farming is its ABC of LoL.
Oh, and pretty damn close to 100% of games end because another team beat you - not because someone dropped.
just wait till you start playing ranked when you reach lvl 30^^ I bet you you will quit LoL because of that terrible experience to 70% (griefers/trolls/feeders),like having endless robert munches .
We should organize some LoL games and some DG games
Yes! PLS! Only way to enjoy these games.

I think it's like 80 champs now

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August 17, 2011 6:17:54 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting JUSThaveFUN,
Also farming is its ABC of LoL.

yea, and it makes so huge difference between DG and LoL. All moba games except Demigod have farm aspect... dont like it

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August 17, 2011 6:19:46 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

We should organize some LoL games and some DG games.

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August 17, 2011 6:54:32 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'll add you Pacov. I don't know how much I'll play though since I've been on a break from it.

Edit: and yeah it is 81 champions currently.

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August 17, 2011 9:01:02 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Quoting JUSThaveFUN,
the main difference is that LoL is 5v5 vs Demigod 3v3. You can't really kick ass against a grouped up 5 team by yourself, while in demigod you can 1v3 in certain situations.

yeah... fair point. 

just wait till you start playing ranked when you reach lvl 30^^ I bet you you will quit LoL because of that terrible experience to 70% (griefers/trolls/feeders),like having endless robert munches .

Well, that's not exactly encouraging?  You mean the majority of ranked games are just full of nonsense?  Can you play on the same team as friends in ranked matches or is it all random? 

I've been jumping in and out of games with folks and I know and just pugging for the extra IP.  Seems like there are a lot of former dg players that play this (cow, peter, jona, zen, pacov, trouser, jon, paint, dark, rawr,, macc, etc).  You should add them as friends if you haven't. 

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August 17, 2011 9:05:02 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I still play lol a bit 


About 1000 games in (maybe 600 human and 500 AI -- 2-3 ai a week for free win bonus and to try freebie toons)


anyway if you want friend me 





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August 17, 2011 9:07:41 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ninki, Orcun, and Wallstop all play if you hadnt added them Pacov. I'm Vlademir_Sol on there btw.

Edit: You can solo queue, duo queue, and 5-man queue in ranked 5v5. Personally I stick to normals because it is a more relaxed enviorment.

Edit2: I haven't solo queued since I could remember just a lot more fun with friends. More teamwork to.

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August 17, 2011 10:02:48 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Quoting OMG_Shiro,
Personally I stick to normals because it is a more relaxed enviorment.

Do you mean that you don't play ranked games?  Is that what you mean by "normals?"

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August 17, 2011 10:05:02 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yeah I mean I don't usually queue for ranked matches. Non ranked queues are called normals.

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August 17, 2011 10:08:28 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Quoting oO-DreamCatcheR-Oo,
yea, and it makes so huge difference between DG and LoL. All moba games except Demigod have farm aspect... dont like it

to be fair, though, Demigod has a HUGE farm aspect - it just doesn't care about the last hit mechanic. 

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August 17, 2011 4:06:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting pacov,
to be fair, though, Demigod has a HUGE farm aspect - it just doesn't care about the last hit mechanic.
true true, but in comparison if you and your team can't farm well you will lose to 80% in LoL

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August 17, 2011 4:14:27 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

So what characters are people using as their main?  If they do have a main, that is.

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August 17, 2011 4:21:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I usually play Renekton - good in line, harass, very useful in first part of game. He has stun, jump and a little lifesteal.. Also i like Heimerdinger - he is push hard and can farm fast.  And two auto-turrets - a bit of Rook-style

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August 17, 2011 4:45:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I don't really have a main atm, but Xin Zhao is my most played recently.

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August 17, 2011 8:19:44 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting nnnils,

We should organize some LoL games and some DG games.

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August 17, 2011 8:29:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'd be up for some inhouses or normal 5mans. Dunno how good I will be though since Ive been on a break.

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August 17, 2011 9:15:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

What is LoL?

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August 17, 2011 9:33:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

LoL is short for League of Legends

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August 17, 2011 10:12:46 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

re: dota 2 - there are quite a few replay videos up of it now.

Just click on view replay on the next page.

Here's just 1 i pulled randomly

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August 17, 2011 11:07:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting JUSThaveFUN,

 I bet you you will quit LoL because of that terrible experience to 70% (griefers/trolls/feeders),like having endless robert munches . We should organize some LoL games and some DG games Yes! PLS! Only way to enjoy these games.
If being one of the best solid pug players ever in demigod is a troll/feeder/griefer in your eyes Zen then you shoulda came and vs'd me sometime instead of fapping with your pals in the vent channel to see who's the better bag of rotten dicks with those boring private games or your 1on1's with the noobs.

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August 18, 2011 2:40:39 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Being a veteran classic DotA player, I have had some experience with LoL in its early days. In my opinion, it's not a good game. It has its fair share of strong points (that have nothing to do with the actual gameplay), but overall, it's a seriously dumbed down DotA spin-off with a predominantly adolescent(-minded) community. HoN is better as a game, but the community is utter crap. RoI is plain horrendous -- always was. I don't know what LORD-ORION is/was so excited about, exactly. 

Speaking of popular MOBAs, the only one that I'd call really interesting and somewhat original is Realm of the Titans/TYJ (originally Chinese, currently starting OBT on US/EU servers, OBT ongoing on RU servers). I'll check DotA 2 out, too, signed up for beta.

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August 18, 2011 11:53:34 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Yeah - to each his own here. 

I did encounter my first griefer last night though.  Poor little guy just kept running into the enemy over and over again to intentionally die.  It was obviously just some kid that doesn't get enough attention in real life, so we all just muted him and let him mutter on and kill himself over and over.  Shame there's nothing you can really do in that situation for twenty minutes, though.  Strangely, even with that guy intentionally feeding over and over, we were kicking arse... we had like 40 some kills at the end of the game, so it obviously would have been a really easy win. Just kinda sucks to know that you are stuck for 20 minutes in a semi hopeless situation... that was annoying, but I really hate folks that want to play out a game that we have no chance of winning.  I think I had 1 game 2 days ago that my team had 4 freaking kills and the other had like 30 (just had a few really bad players on my team) and these guys wouldn't surrender at the 20 and 30 min mark.  I won't rq or afk, but I wish I would... I just don't want to be a dick (even though its pretty dickish to make folks play out a game that you can't possibly win instead of moving onto a new one that you might).

I really missed that "one more game" aspect that Demigod had way back when you'd earn favor points and I think that's the thing that keeps me playing a extra game here and there in LoL.  I know that eventually I'll get to a point where IP won't really matter, but that's still a hundred or so more games away and there's plenty of things to unlock before that happens. 

Does anyone know if they actually do anything if a player is reported for griefing? 

Oh - and I've recruited a few of my in town friends to play as well now.

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August 18, 2011 12:12:10 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Re advanced strategy, I'm still convinced someone that is fairly experienced is a goof... tell me if I'm wrong.

We start the game on top and are 2v1 (1 enemy). There is no jungler on the enemy team, they are just laned weird.  Both my teammate and I are full hp/mana.  The guy with me doesn't want to push the creep wave along and the person defending the closest enemy tower is a low HP build.  Anyway, my teamamte doesn't want to push the creeps to "deny" the other guy xp.  I don't really get what he was talking about.  Both of our characters were weak ranged but strong melee.  Anyway, I don't understand why we wouldn't push the wave along and start working the tower with a 2v1 adv and both us as tanks.  Instead, it was just dicking around for 4 minutes, not pushing anywhere near the tower and accomplishing nothing outside of safe last hits.  Finally, I got him to back me up and we ganked the solo guy with great ease.  Anyway, I don't know if his strat was smart or just nonsense.  My strat killed the guy and then destroyed the tower.

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August 18, 2011 2:37:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

but I really hate folks that want to play out a game that we have no chance of winning. 

RotT is very harsh to leavers. If you have above 15% leaves, your account is perma-banned (leaving the lobby at character choice counts: you can only have one instance of each character in that game). However, that creates a lot of AFKers, since no one really wants to face the consequences of leaving. So people just stay at fountain (=crystal) and that is just as stupid as leaves in DG are. However, RotT is really good at rejoining (if you really drop for some reason). Also, if someone drops, his character's control is transferred to any player of the side he was on (he can be controlled RTS-style). There is a surrender option that is sort of nice: you need 75% of votes to surrender. It's a very sound decision, the problem is you can only initiate the vote after 20:00 mark, and there are games where you can be 100% sure it is a loss after 5 minutes pass.

BTW, you can tell the LoL crowd in RotT (the largest contingent) apart by the fact they don't deny creeps/don't last-hit  


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