I don't normally post about the first reviews for games, however apart from Skyrim, Deus Ex: Human Revolution is literally the only PC Game I really give a damn about.
PC Gamer has the honour of the first review. Scans are here. 94/100 is their verdict.
The reviewer makers their love for 'Deus Ex' apparent from the beginning; they state that they consider the original 'Deus Ex' to be the best game ever made. Their overall opinion then is nice to hear; that "this is the Deus Ex of our time."
The only reason it didn't get full marks was because Human Revolution apparently shys away from the "improvisation" of the first game; remember the bat-shit-crazy stuff you pulled off from the first game? Not all of it is possible, and there are areas where you don't have the option of thinking off the wall.
I must say, I'm now looking forward to this. I just pray it sells; Deus Ex wasn't a finacial hit - I hope this one is.
Well, hold your horses folks. Missed this interesting development.
It was the Australian advertisement and everything, with Shane Warne’s face hidden behind a packet of chickeny goods, and labelled with the Australian price. When I went back again to take a screenshot, it had changed to an advertisement for Adidas sports instead, indicating that whatever server was up and running delivering these ads was already working quite well. We’ve contact the Australian distributors, Namco Bandai, for further clarification on how these in-game ads will work, and will let you know once we receive a response.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution will feature in-game advertising. Considering the developers have spent literally thousands of hours making hundreds of fake brands for their game - and have been very public in this - sticking real-worlds ads as jaring as this into a futuristic game seems in bad taste. Being as the game is already locked with Steamworks, it seems Eidos is doing everything in their power to ensure Deus Ex: Human Revolution doesn't get off the ground.
The offical forums aren't happy, to be kind. The moderators doesn't seem to know what's going on; looks like Eidos hoped to slip this past us.