I will be hosting games tonight in game ranger starting at 7 PM EST (same time as the other "game nights"). Anyone is welcome.
If you are a game ranger noob (I was up until yesterday), all you have to do is go to http://www.gameranger.com/.
Then, download the client (its small). Register for a free account (takes less than 3 min to register and activate). You need to confirm using email to activate, so use an email address you can check.
Then, look for my game in Demigod around 7PM EST. If you toy with the interface for a few minutes, you'll be able to filter out all other games but Demigod. This way, you only see DG games that are running or are open.
About game ranger - this is the place that most folks would play online if they used a cracked version of Demigod. Folks still using the service will have a different version of Demigod than us, so I don't believe they can join our games and we can't join there games either. Game ranger more or less makes it look like you are connecting to other people over lan. No stats are recorded on the DG servers - you simply play for fun.
How do I join a GR lobby?
Just double click on an open DG lobby. Keep in mind that you can join any non password protected GR lobby, but that doesn't mean you can actually play with them if they have a different version than you. Once everyone has joined, the host initiates the game. You may or may not have to launch demigod yourself at this point (not sure). Then, click on LAN (note - LAN). Wait for the game to pop up and join the lobby.
And that's it. Hope to catch you folks at 7PM EST for DG UNDERGROUND.