Started playing around with Crazytown:
I added the following into HOak_Abilities.lua:
--Removing buff immunity from Shield III and Shield IV
Buffs.HOAKShield03.Affects = {
Invincible = { Bool = true },
DebuffImmune = { Bool = false },
Buffs.HOAKShield04.Affects = {
Invincible = { Bool = true },
DebuffImmune = { Bool = false },
--Removing debuff ability on shield I and Shield II
Buffs.HOAKShield01.OnBuffAffect = function(self, unit, instigator)
Buff.RemoveBuffsByDebuff(unit, false)
Buffs.HOAKShield02.OnBuffAffect = function(self, unit, instigator)
Buff.RemoveBuffsByDebuff(unit, false)
I assumed that from the command line:
Buffs.HOAKRally.Duration = 10
First sucess, the game started! ^^ But then... I could still invest skill points but all skill description exept morale where gone and the bar to select the skills for ussage (number 1-4) was blank (no skill icon in it). So, I could guess the "skill identification" (don't know if that's sound right) was screwed?
Regarding the way the Rally duration was changed, I thought the MOD command lines work like an overwrite but it didn't seem that easy.