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Anisotropic Filtering Performance

nVidia Cards.

By on June 23, 2011 11:48:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Okay, here's the deal. I haven't player Demigod in months upon months. I play a lot of LoL and one of my friends mentions DG and I remember that I own it. I install it over again. I update to latest version. I have all ingame settings maxed out with optimized control panel settings. The only thing that is making a difference is 16xAF. I have never in my life, seen AF effect an engine this much.

I run the game at 1920x1080 @ 60Hz with VSYNC on because I absolutely hate tearing.

I have:
AMD Phenom II X6 T1100 clocked at 4.2GHz
8GB's of DDR3-1600MHz RAM.
GTX 580 OC'ed marginally.

I've tried fiddling with every setting and even reverting everything back to stock clocks. Nothing makes my frame rate drop below 60 besides AF, if I use 16x AF, I get an average of 27.XXX FPS.

Is this a well known problem? I've seen reviews and many people running the game with AF forced and they have much better frame rates than I.

I just really hate looking at the muddy ground textures especially after I've seen what the 16xAF does for them. =[

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