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Platinum baby! (Another SCII thread)

By on June 3, 2011 4:44:50 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums


Join Date 07/2010

Just got promoted after a long game VS Zerg. Its been a hell of a ride from the bottom of bronze, amazing game and the best multiplayer experience I've ever had. Here's to wasting copious amounts of time learning absolutely useless skills!!

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June 3, 2011 6:10:37 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Grats man! I really wish I had a lot of time to devote to SC2. I end up watching a lot more of it than actually playing It's an awesome game to be sure

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June 3, 2011 7:40:30 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Yeah congrats!  You'll be diamond and then masters in no time.  Hit a wall at the low masters level myself, and haven't played much in season two myself, but I remember how good it feels to get promoted.

Don't know if you watch any SC2 or just play, but MLG is on right now!

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June 3, 2011 11:26:23 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Been watching MLG a bunch tonight, wishing Idra would lose more...

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