The mod can be downloaded in Pacov's excellent mod compilation package. It is highly recommended to use the enhanced AI, Uberfix and CrazyTown balance mod also found in this package.
What does it do?
It places more emphasis on the MOBA aspects of the game.
Citadel upgrades are as affordable as gearing out your Demigod. Citadel upgrade units do not yield gold and XP to the enemy, and as such can be fielded immediately.
The design intent is this.
1) Gold and XP upgrades will always be needed, upgraded units and towers are highly desirable because of the power they bring at a low cost.
2) This leaves you with a dilimna, how to manage upgrades on your team? There is going to be gear imbalances.
3) This brings us to the next MOBA aspect. Roles.
3a) The demigod who makes the citadel purchases is going to be inherently weaker, yet must still farm minotaurs and archers for gold and XP. So an undergeared demigod will be exposing himself in the lane.
3b) You are probably going to be quite shocked just how menacing early upgraded creeps can get because you never see them in normal Demigod. You can't really afford to skimp gear on your lane tanks. You can lose a game in 10 minutes now if you are careless and can't control your lanes, so these guys need to stack health and watch mana to control creeps.
3c) Yet who is going to try and kill those nice squishy citadel support demigods? It is pretty amazing just how easily some Demigods can be geared and configured for the "carry" MOBA role to rapidly attack weak demigods of opportunity.
4) You will find you can hit level 15 in most games that go to WR10 because of the higher citadel XP upgrade multipliers, but getting more levels past 15 gets increasingly more difficult because of the lack of XP awards from citadel creeps.
5) Gold production will also follow a more gradual curve instead of a rapid increase at WR10 when citadel creeps are fielded in normal demigod. You'll have more going into the end of a game, but this increased production from gold II and III tapers off slightly compared to the bounty you can get from a creep wave with giants.
So... the more specific change details.
1) Increases the number of Minotaurs from 5 to 8, increases the number of archers from 2 to 4. Adjusts their XP and bounty to make each wave have near the same amount of XP and bounty. (see below).
2) Removes all XP and Bounty for Priests, Angels, Catapultasauri and Giants.
3) Decreases the cost of citadel upgrades significantly.
4) Tie Gold II and III Production values to gold mines. Each gold mine you control gets +1 gold when these upgrades are purchased. (So capturing an enemy gold mine is great).
5) Increases the XP line of cit upgrades to 15% per level (normally 10% per level)
Specific Change List
All War Ranks
-RSoldier01 = 8
WR2 and above
-RArcher01 = 4
Citadel Costs
Structure Health: 500,750,1000,1250
Structure Firepower: 500,750,1000,1250
Gold Income: 1200,1800,2400
Troop Attack: 600,900,1200,1500
Troop Health: 600,900,1200,1500
Priests, Angels etc...: 1200,1800,2400,3000
Death Penalty: 500,750,1000
XP: 600,900,1200,1500
Trebs + FoG: 1250, 750
Citadel Upgrade Changes
CGoldIncome02 = Switch from hero, team to single, economic, Add +1 (so +1 gold per mine instead of +2 to all demigods)
CGoldIncome03 = Switch from hero, team to single, economic, Add +1 (so +1 gold per mine instead of +2 to all demigods)
CTraining01 = 0.15
CTraining02 = 0.3
CTraining03 = 0.45
CTraining04 = 0.6
Unit Changes
Bounty = 3 (normally 4)
XP = 21 (normally 33)
Bounty = 4 (normally 8)
XP = 17 (normally 33)
Target Priority = Catapultasarus, Priest, Everything
Other Changes:
Various Enhanced AI overrides to change citadel purchasing weights. (Like buy priests at WR3).