In spite of LoL being "superior" in almost every way (except for all of the champs looking like a bad cross between Jar Jar Binks and the enslaved elves at Santa's Siberian workshop...), I still get a mad itch to play demigod every now and then... I love the fatalistic & gothic atmosphere...
This is an old thread asking what Demigod (or DG2) could be if it were touched up or whathaveyou - I'm guessing that a lot of the incremental suggestions will be largely along the lines of 'make the meta-game more like LoL' as well as the scope (items, champs, damage types, etc).
What I think about being the next leap in 'trial by combat' type genres is allowing players to design their own champs/maps/items and play those. This effectively achieves a few different goals at once:
-allows for lots and lots of replayability. (face it, LoL and Demigod are fairly monotonous in nature)
-allows for copious amounts of content generation by the community (people always want more of everything)
-promotes some forking of game type/style allowing people who want different things to have it
Obviously, figuring out balance and logistical issues for the ruleset/framework would be hugely difficult (isn't this what customers pay other people to do when they buy a game?). But once this framework is established it could potentially support an unlimited amount of fill (for example, an unlimited number of balanced content could be added so long as the rules of the framework assign appropriate tradeoffs for this content - ie champs might be designed on a point-system whereby only a certain number of points can be assigned across various attributes for characteristics, level scaling, etc; items would be assigned cost depending upon the intensity of their attribute skew away from mediocre stats; and map characteristcs could possibly crimp various attributes (vision range, speed through terrain, damage types, etc) lending to interesting play strategies that are terrain/map dependent; etc).
Also obviously, easy to use tools, skins, templates, etc would also be necessarily required to be available for the community as well (a la 'Spore' creature creation?).
Just a thought...