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Nastyblade's Sedna: MCP/Speed pure support

(player/build spotlight)

By on February 12, 2011 8:25:14 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 10/2010

First things first. Nastyblade is a highly skilled Reg/Sed from Gameranger. He has ~300 games here, but I'm sure whoever has seen him in action, remembers his unique playstyle. Since he's Czech-speaking, I don't think he can present his build himself, so I'll be his self-appointed promoter Anyway, I'll analyze his build and the rationale behind it, and provide a link to a replay of the match I've played against him today. I believe this match showcases his build/playstyle's strengths adequately.

Favor: MCP

1. Heal 1

2. HW 1

3. IG 1


5. IG 2 + HW 2

6. Heal 2

7. Heal 3

8. Counter Healing

9. IG 3

10. Pounce 1

11. Silence 1

12. Silence 2

13. Heal 4

14. Pounce 2

15. Life's Child


Start w/ Monks, TP

WR 3 - Plenor, Vlemish, Scalemail, health pot

WR 5 - Boots of Speed, health and mana pots

WR 7 - J-Treads, Boots of Speed -> Nimoth Chest

Build analysis:

Priority on having high speed, mana and armor by sacrificing hp. Using pots, not sigils. No Pounce, no Silence until later mid game. Justification: you don't need a lot of hp when you are that fast; +50% temporary hp is laughable when you are that squishy; high armor is a necessity when destroying towers or ninjaing portals; you are extremely mobile and should stay out of trouble, and assist as needed by healing/removing debuffs.

This build is extremely efficient early to later mid game, when the team has a very good carry/DD (in the replay below, it's ppap's UB), and the team is constantly on the offensive. I've seen the very same build fall flat on its face if the game lasts too long or the team having MCP/speed Sed is forced to play it defensively. Low hp target = freebie kills. Late game chain-stunning is a doom of every speed build in existence. In other words, too risky and inconsistent, and I've seen it fail as often as it succeeds in higher-level matches. That said, Nastyblade surely is a unique Sed player and he pulls off his high-risk build admirably well. 

I think it is an original build/playstyle by an underrated player that certainly deserves more attention than it gets.

The replay:




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February 13, 2011 4:00:18 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Bump. Appreciate the build, Sednaphiles!

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February 13, 2011 7:33:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hi all,

I´m nicely surprised, because my m8 made this post about me. I´m not sure that i´m highly skilled as reg/sed, but i played over one year on GR. Many players don´t know, that this game is about team playing and no just concentrate on yourself. This is first fault which players do. But in team must be tanks /not all/. So my tactic is buying into citadel and other team players can update yourself. Well, i have less HP than others. I use speed buyild which i didn´t  copy  from anybody. When i play as reg/sed /doesn´t matter who/, u can see that i buy almost same items and play same tactic.

''You can play as GOD, but if you aren´t supported and dont help others, your team lost"


i add replay here, when i played /sedna/ with HaKa3aTeJIb37rus /torch/  vs  Petrodol82 /torch/ and foxtrot11 /rook/.

The replay:


have a nice day.






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February 13, 2011 7:58:10 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Pacov was toying with MCP builds once, so I thought he would be interested Anyway, Nasty, if you change your mind about the tourney, you are welcome to register.

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February 13, 2011 8:34:49 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i add replay here, when i played /sedna/ with HaKa3aTeJIb37rus /torch/  vs  Petrodol82 /torch/ and foxtrot11 /rook/.

For the folks that possibly ready up some nasty comments about the skill of Hak, Petrodol, and foxtrot -- supress the urge, please. Nastyblade is just democratic He plays with everyone, from n00bz to highly skilled pros. And foxtrot has a sky-high 81%, so I assume Nasty was treating that game as pro+noob vs pro+noob, until he saw that guy in action.

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