After this match:
We were leading 7:0 in kills and were +1-3 levels ahead all the time :/ We have even killed both the UB and the Oak when they locked our portal. Didn't change the outcome. The Oak just kept chain-locking, nothing could be done about it. Shield III is cheesy to the extreme and requires zero skill when used in conjunction with lock/tp. Old news, sure enough. It just sucks to lose to a team that performed significantly weaker because of one ridiculously OP skill even a mentally retarded 5 y. o. kid can be hugely successful with. That's what really needs to be balanced, not Reg's mines. Some people talk about a skilled DA as a counter to Oak's Shield III whoring. Well, I don't carry a skilled DA pokemon with me 24/7, sorry. It's like saying: Spit basically does no damage, since Erb can always Mist it.
Now, srsly, I'm not going to host no-Oak games, that's just not me. If people think they absolutely need that epitome of cheapness in order to win a match, let them, I guess.
PS: Ppap thinks we lost because gold income was set to High (obviously, settings left from some session I joined). I beg to differ. The guys could have pulled it off even with Normal income. Okay, so we would have an even greater economical advantage, but they could always sell gear to get catas and giants, ninja the portal successfully ONCE, then chain-lock, and since Sed has no AoE -- gg.