This mod is a collection of several talented modders work. Credit is provided to the original modders here, in the readme.txt, and in the mod_info.lua file. If any modders object to having their work included in this combined mod, please contact me and I will remove your mod from the package.
What's the point of the mod?
The purpose of this mod is to provide the most commonly used user interface (UI) mods in a single package.
Why make a mod?
The mod exists simply for convenience sake and to enable new players to quickly get the best UI mods with minimal effort.
What mods are included in this package?
- Always visible health mana xp text by gunblob. This mod makes your health and mana meters always show the text value of your hp as well (https://forums.demigodthegame.com/369556)
- Bman's Godlike Team Panel v1.2.3 by bman654. This creates an overlay menu showing your teammates stats (hp/mana) (https://forums.demigodthegame.com/369937)
- Bman's Rampaging Minion Overlay 0.6 by bman654. This creates an overlay menu showing minion stats (https://forums.demigodthegame.com/370227)
- Rollover Ally Info v1.4.5 by Chirmaya (1.4.5 updated by pacov). This enables you to move your mouse over a player on your team and see what items they have. Very useful for knowing if a teammate has a sigil, etc. (https://forums.demigodthegame.com/400449)
- Enhanced Squelch/Chat v1.0 by Miriyaka. This mod simplifies the in game squelch/muting system and provides enhancements to the chat system. (https://forums.demigodthegame.com/409561)
How do I use the mod?
Download the mod and run the installer. Then, use the Demigod Mod manager to enable the mod. As this is a UI mod, all players DO NOT need to have this mod installed for you to use it.
Where can I download the mod?
Revision history
- Added the enhanced squelch/chat mod by mithy
- Added a new updated health mana xp text mod
- Added the updated health and mana text mod
- Initial release