Hi there, most of you probably don't know but i have been very actively working on a e-sports platform for the past 18 months.
At the moment this platform consists in 3 websites all linked to each other and using a single login.
The purpose of the platform is to deliver "video gamers cloud services".
Among other thing like clan (and teams) management. social networking etc.. the platform allows users to create their own tournament as well have having official tournaments, ladders, leagues, nations cup etc...
Tournament wise the platform as integrated workflow which make the reporting, bracket generation etc... pretty smooth and easy.
It also support single elimination, double elimination, swiss style.
Setting up a space for Demigod is doable but i want to ensure that even if small there are people willing to contribute so the Demigod section doesnt look like a ghost town.
Instead of giving a very long description etc... I can offer to host a tournament or better let someone hosting it using the platform.
this will be best to showcase what the platform can do.
Pacov, I am asking again if you are interested, let me know...
The platform will launch either this Thrusday or next at the latest.
if you want to be added in the launch email distro list, jsut PM me your email address.
If you would like to see a Demigod section created and are willing to particpipate to a tournament just repond below with "+1"
Please also tell which tournament format you would prefer (e.g.: 2v2, 3v3?)