Re-thought it a bit. I use Mist only to rinse negative effects, so no need to invest in it so heavily 12-15. Bloody Haze bonus sounds nice in theory if you need to help the ganked teammate, but I find myself just porting in, Mass Charming, then Biting the fastest pursuer, and either Bat Swarming the hell out of there or staying to fight the gankers. No Mist involved in any scenario. My Erb-fighting experience also tells me that Erbs that tend to use Mist as an escape mechanism are usually brutally raped by the whole opposing team after their mana runs out. PB tree at least gives a nice hps bonus and +10% life steal in 20 y radius. Dunno, maybe I'm totally wrong on this one, and Erb's skill is measured by his ability to use Mist efficiently, blah-blah-blah...
You tell me if that's the case, yes?
1. Bite 1
2. MC 1
3. Mist 1
4. Bite 2
5. BS 1
6. MC 2
7. Bite 3
8. MC 3
10. Bite 4 / BS 2
11. MC 4
12. PB 1
13. PB 2
14. SAVE
15. Muddle / Vampiric Aura
16. BS 3
17-20. Either Mist tree or Coven tree, whatever will please doggu more!