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Alternative support character builds summary

(Sedna and QoT)

By on January 2, 2011 7:36:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 10/2010

This post summarizes some of my remarks and observations from different threads, so much of the info presented here may naturally appear somewhat redundant. I am 100% sure there are better Sednas and QoTs than me, but the scarcity of dedicated support players that can actually re-think, analyze and formulate things, as well as me actually getting pretty good with both characters (at least, according to half a dozen top-tier players I play with/against on a relatively regular basis -- maybe they are just nice to me, dunno) can somewhat justify me, and not one of the better folks, posting this... I hope   

I. Sedna

My major issues with current pro builds are: (1) disproportional prominence of Silence; (2) too much emphasis on leveling up Heal; (3) Pounce getting neglected/postponed (at least, in Hedgie's and Hedgie-inspired builds); (4) IG being considered "a selfish skill" and "a newb trap". In particular:

(1) Since practice > theory, and I always get Silence I at 6-8 in skilled matches, I'm revising the statement I made in my previous Sedna-related post  Silence I is a must-have at levels 6-8, while Silence II and III aren't a priority and should be postponed until very late game.

(2) Heal should never be a priority after the very first point. Heal I is a must-have early game for emergencies, Heal III is nice to have afterwards due to debuff removal, but I wouldn't call it crucial. Sedna's main source of healing should be HW-enhanced bishops, not her own Heals. Keeping Heal level minimal until mid game also ensures you can always help a focused teammate when needed. +600 hp may not sound like a big deal, but it's an emergency-only skill and it is absolutely adequate to its purpose: preventing early kills by the opposing team.

(3) To quote Hedgie, Pounce is "one of the worst offensive abilities in the game. It has no debuffs, no AoE, you can't use it while you are chasing". On the other hand, it is a fast interrupt with a great cooldown, a decent range (9) and damage, plus you can (and, IMHO, should!) max it out qute early. Its most important advantage is its being Sedna's only decent source of damage, and being able to deal some concentrated damage is a critical quality in skilled 3v3 matches.

(4) I am firmly convinced IG I is a critical early skill, unless you don't level Pounce and have no intention to actively assist your teammates in getting some kills. Besides a great +10 hps bonus, it gives you a +0.3 y/s, which is just enough to keep up with Erbs and UBs early game. Chase and AA until down to 600-800 hp > Pounce II/III got me a lot of early kills. No, not against noobs. Even experienced people tend not to expect concentrated damage from Sedna, especially at level 6-7. That said, IG II and III are selfish skills and newb traps, and should either be postponed or never taken.

Favor: BotF

1. Heal I

2. HW I

3. IG I

4. Pounce I

5. HW II

6. Pounce II

7. Pounce III

8. Silence I

9. CH (generals)/Heal II (no generals)

10. Pounce IV

11. Heal II/Heal III

12. Heal III/MP I

13. MP I/MP II

14. MP II/Heal IV

15. MP III

16. Silence II

17. Silence III

18. Life's Child

19. IG II

20. IG III

Items: 1 helm (Vlemish > Hungarling, if possible), 4 hp items (3 armors + Unbreakables). Sedna is not about skill-spamming. You spam only Pounce. Silence and Heal are saved for specific circumstances. Start with Monks, then at WR3 Cur1 (possibly also FS1) and Banded, then, ASAP, Bishops.

Priority order: (1) Banded; (2) Nimoth; (3) Bishops/High Priests (another general on your team); (4) Unbreakables; (5) Hauberk; (6) Vlemish; (7) Banded > Girdle of Giants; (8) Siege Demolishers; (9) upgrades (Nimoth > Groffling, Vlemish > Hungarling, etc.). Yes, may sound a bit radical, but that's what works best for this build. You don't need a lot of mana. You don't spam anything, all your skills are strictly situational (Pounce is a situational finisher/interrupt skill, not a fire-at-will nuke). Your strongest levels are probably 6-10. You are going to score a handful of kills, if you use Pounce correctly. In a skilled team, the allies will burden you only with Cur1, so you will be able to get the Girdle relatively early. The general principle in DG is: buy early, don't save. However, I believe early Girdle makes this build at least twice as effective: immense hp/hps boost, great help at farming due to 100% Cleave property, significant dps increase for the already heavy-hitting DG. Save instead of upgrading to Groffling+Hungarling and of buying Demolishers ASAP, it will pay off.

If you are sceptical as to whether it is practically possible, a bit of elementary math. Usually, I have Groffling, Hungarling, Siege Dems by later mid/early late game. Banded > Groffling = 4760 g; Vlemish > Hungarling = 4100 g ; Siege Dems = 2050 g. Grand total = 10910 g. Banded > Girdle of Giants = 12560 g. You need only 1650 g more if you don't upgrade and don't get Dems ASAP.

Orb of Defiance is not a bad option, as it's very strong on Sed (less than 1/3 hp left>Orb>Heal with Life's Child active is enough to get those gank-happy DAs frustrated). However, I don't think it's worth it, in a long run. Having 3 consumable slots is more important than an additional safety mechanism and a +500 passive bonus to health and armor: you are already safe and not easily killable, while dropping locks (or, worse, sigils) for OoD is usually a short-sighted decision. If you do get OoD, be sure to take Life's Child at 16: while not a super-great skill, it's actually very good with OoD.

I almost never take Nature's Reckoning. In 3v3, some hp stacking will be a much wiser investment, generally speaking. See section III below for additional details. 

Artifacts: Unfortunately, only passive effect (non-useable) artifacts are really viable for Sedna in a skilled match. Having locks, tp scrolls and sigils should always take precedence over everything else. That really limits Sedna's possibilities as far as artifact choice is concerned, in the priority order: (1) Girdle of Giants is the best passive artifact option: get it ASAP, if the game is going well for your team, and for you in particular, you can get it mid-game, if you don't upgrade armor pieces and helm (i. e., don't go Vlemish > Hungaling, Banded > Groffling, etc.) and don't get Siege Dems; (2) Stormbringer (cooldowns halved with a flag + MP III: -47%) is your artifact helm that has a great synergy to MP III; (3) Bulwark: an universal staple, so it's a viable option. However, I don't think it's a high priority artifact for Sedna. If you have 16k and want to get a second artifact, wait a bit and get Stormbringer.

If you are willing to risk dropping sigils or locks, you should bear in mind the main purpose of getting artifacts for Sedna is to compensate for her two main weaknesses late game: lack of AoE and poor AA speed. Thus, you have two good cheap options. (1) Orb of Veiled Storms. Cheap, good AA speed boost, gets late game hp regen through the roof, provides a decent anti-creep AoE (Orb > Heal IV = 700 damage in 10 y radius, enough to deal with a creepwave, save giants). (2) Cloak of Flames. Costs 2k more, but both AoE and AA speed boost are better. Also solves potential late game mana problems that might arise in long skirmishes with 1 helm only.  

Role: This Sedna build excels both at tanking/aura buffing and at setting up/securing kills. Of course, since Sedna's tankability relies exclusively on Bishops, they should be prioritized. This Sedna fares well against any matchup, with the obvious exception of Rook (against whom, I believe, she's also significantly better than Silence-Heal Sedna). In short, it's as good a compromise as I could find between strong Sedna ("Fight, goddamit! You do no damage, dude!") and smart Sedna ("Silence that freaking Oak already, dude!"/"Heal, heal, heal, dude! I just wanted to get the kill, so I followed their Reg to the crystal!"). Everyone will be happy with your performance, with the important exception of your enemies. You'll be able to support your main carry and get (steal!) a solid number of kills yourself. Doggu will love you, Kira will love you, Nomilarac will love you, Renz will love you. Hell, maybe even Nnnils will love you, and that's a bold claim to make! Only Pacov will hate you, but that goes without saying.

Levels 1-5: You are quite strong and can afford to take some risks. Most opponents will think they can take on you 1v1, try to use it to your advantage and yellow deny them some flags by big-ass outtanking. What I like to do early game to maximize Sed's tanking potential is to get Monks and run to contest mid ASAP. Regardless of the outcome, split your Monks between hp and mana lanes, and run back to the shop. You should have ~550 g by this point, so buy Banded, then go hp (or mana, if needed). You lose a tiny bit of experience this way, but gain a lot of staying power, so it's a good trade-off.

Levels 6-10: If you play your cards right, you'll get several kills here (800 damage at level 7 is not something people will expect from a support DG). However, be aware you are quite fragile (gimped from purchasing Cur1, and possibly also Cur2 and FS1). If your teammates are aware of game dynamics, they will protect you, so you are in no great danger. Still, I suggest always carrying a sigil starting with level 6, when you start chasing and finishing.

Levels 11-20: Your kit should be complete by level 11, so no need to be overly careful, you can tank if needed. Try to stick to your main carry's arse, especially if he goes deep into enemy's territory. Needless to say, you are the main locker.


My major issues with current pro builds are: (1) unnecessarily Mulch-oriented at early levels; (2) too little priority assigned to SW by most/some super-pro players getting SW III; (3) the basic concept of QoT as main carry is flawed. In detail:

(1) Mulch I is a costly (700 mana, 2 skill points), slow (cast times, summon appearance delay), inconvenient (mad clicking obligatory) way to heal 750 hp. It should be taken only as a pre-requisite to Mulch II and III, which are, indeed, great skills. Getting it at 5 (and investing another point in Summon Shambler!) is a mistake certain top-tier players manage to get away with only due to their exceptional personal skill. It's highly inefficient, and definitely not worth getting, unless you like a challenge. Period. 

(2) Spike Wave I and II are great and should be taken ASAP (at 5 and 10). On the other hand, Spike Wave III should never be taken due to whopping 50% cooldown increase.

(3) There is little doubt that in a skilled player's hands, QoT can function as a main carry/tank. However, it's evident it is not her optimal role. Obviously, currently fashionable Mulch-happy pro QoT builds are heavily lure/kill-oriented. Well, what can I say... I'm sure it's possible to drive a nail with, say, an electronic microscope, but I'd rather use a  , thank you. I don't think gimping oneself as a support for what essentially is a one-trick pony (luring, then getting a kill due to early Mulch) is a fortunate idea. If you can pull it off -- more power to you, but presenting it as the greatest QoT playstyle ever is a bit of a stretch.

Favor: BotF

1. BS I

2. GS I


4. GS II

5. SW I


7. BS II + GS III (this is the point you should have enough mana regen to consistently cast 560 mana BS) 



10. BS III + BS IV + GS IV + SW II (at this point, you should maximize your BS potential, as alpha nukes damage potential peaks here)

11. SAVE

12. SAVE

13. SAVE

14. SAVE

15. Entourage I-III + Tribute + GoT / Shambler I + Mulch I-III + GoT (go the second route only if you feel you need to tank a lot late game: an undesirable scenario, but possible)

16-20: Get Shamblers I-IV (or II-IV + Entourage I) in any case, either for a hefty increasy of mostly anti-structure dps or for easier Mulching. 

Items: 2 helms (Vlemish, then Vlemish + Plenor, then Hungarling + Vlemish), 3 hp items (2 armors + Unbreakables). Start with Monks, then at WR3 Cur1 (possibly also FS1) and Vlemish, then Unbreakables.

Getting Magus Rod instead of Plenor is an interesting possibility. It gives an additional hp item slot, but is inconvenient both in that it adds additional microing to an already microing-heavy DG, and in that it occupies one consumable slot. Overall, I think it's preferable to run with two helms, but certain circumstances can surely dictate otherwise. For example, if you get Bulwark at level 15+, you probably should drop locks and get Magus Rod instead.

Artifacts: QoT has no particular weaknesses late game, so artifacts should serve to augment her strengths, instead. Bulwark should be your top priority: 40% permanent damage reduction in unpacked form makes late-game QoT insanely powerful, practically invincible. Bracelet of Rage is also an interesting option, but as it takes up a consumable slot, I cannot really recommend it.

Role: Levels 1-10: You get at least Cur1 (sometimes also FS1 and Cur2), so you are quite fragile (though not as fragile as your opponents tend to think) and will be focused a lot. Play it very conservatively. Stay back, shield your main carry/lane partner, ground spike when needed (learn to pull off the GS cancel trick to make the enemies run away, as mana is scarce), do not forget to spike wave the ganked DGs. Assist in pushing the corner towers with GS. Either learn QoT's skills mana cost* by heart ASAP, or write them down: you cannot see BS costs while unpacked, and vice versa.

*) Please note QoT is the only DG to have two serious skill cost:efficiency ratio progression aberrations. Most skills are somewhat linear in this respect, e. g. Shield I is 400 mana, Shield II is 500 mana, Shield III is 600 mana, and Shield IV is 700 mana. There are some exceptions to this rule (for example, Bite or Boulder Roll), but they don't break the linear progression cardinally. QoT, however, has: (1) the same mana cost of 500 for both GS I and GS II, and (2) a sudden cooldown increase from 10 s for SW II to 15 s for SW III. These features (or glitches?) are unique and should be taken into account by any serious QoT player.

Levels 11-15: Your role changes radically. Start to demolish mid while your teammates begin to push portals. Be cautious and methodical, synchronize your ground spiking with creep waves. You'll both destroy mid towers and get to 15 very quickly this way. I don't think this strategy can be countered if you have decent teammates. If 2 opponents will try to gank you, they'll lose one of the portals, and 1v1 no one will stop you, given GS insane radius.

Levels 16-20: Depending on the route taken at 15 and game length, either get Bulwark and camp at enemy valor flag, or just camp at valor flag while Mulching. You can assist in taking side portals, but don't stay at flanks unless absolutely necessary, your potential is somewhat wasted there.

III. Game dynamics and support mentalité

"What are you doing, ffs!!! Trying to take on that giant 1v1?! You do no damage, dude!" (c) doggu

"Sed, why so low hp? Why so shit items? Are you noob?" (c) McLoover

"OMG!!! Do I have a noob Sed on my team?" (c) Iz_

"IN1, you should never pick QoT again!" (c) iamKira

"Maaaaan! I cannot hold two portals alone!" (c) renz0kuken

Be forewarned, you are likely to hear much worse things in noob/mid games, where the players aren't exactly renowned due to their skill and knowledge. All those guys I quote are undeniably pro, and have a firm grasp of general game mechanics. Still, people will get frustrated and irritated by your fragility and, ahem, 'uselessness' (the latter of which is an illusion, of course, but who cares?). Thus, the main virtue of any dedicated support is patience. However, there are some objective problems, rooted in game dynamics, any support-oriented playstyle will face. I intend to cover them to a degree in this section.

A. Direct/burst damage

Sedna: The ability to momentarily deal large amounts of damage is probably the most crucial aspect of DG combat mechanics. The only way a Sedna can actually contribute to the team in this respect is by leveling up Pounce at levels 1-10. Pounce is a strong nuke for a general: no debuffs, granted, but 1000 damage at level 10 is good. Postponing Pounce to end-game levels = decreasing its effect drastically due to gradual hp stacking by opponents. At level 10, 1000 damage is a freaking strong nuke; at 15, it is still passable but much less efficient; at 20, you will most likely tickle your opponents with it. Strong early Pounce is the way to mitigate otherwise weak Sedna levels 6-10, and, more importantly, to help your team in ganks. Playing late Pounce may be viable in 2v2, but 3v3 I won't ever risk it. The fact is, it will net you some kills.

Sedna's AoE problem can be remedied in a number of ways late game (see artifacts sub-section in Sedna section above), when it becomes truly relevant, but early game your only option is Nature's Reckoning. While an interesting item that helps you farm, sometimes works wonders in PvP and adds a random unpredictable damage factor (always nice vs skilled calculating opponents), I don't think it's essential, unless you are fighting a minion-heavy matchup -- that's where I can justify its taking a hp item slot, the dps increase will be too significant to ignore, glitch or no glitch. Otherwise, survival is a far more pressing matter for Sedna in 3v3, and getting NR in place - and for a price - of, say, Nimoth's is unwise.

QoT: QoT is the exact opposite. Probably the best AoE skill in game, but pathetic burst damage. A skilled QoT that doesn't get SW III (and the only way a skilled QoT will ever get it is by misclicking) can do a maximum of 1125 damage by GS IV > SW II. That's pathetic for a 2 skill combo. The situation changes late game, when QoT has a lot of minions and catas+giants are out. GS IV in a creep wave hurts. A lot. Overall, a QoT gets yelled at a lot less than a Sedna for being unable to deal significant damage: her skills are all long-range and very convenient, and early game that ranged Cleave attack in packed form makes a lot of difference, melting monks, creeps, Rook towers and DGs at once.

B. "Low hp, shit items"

Both Sedna and QoT will get Cur1, unless there is a Reg on the same team. Frequently, they will also get FS1 and Cur2. The total cost of those upgrades is 5600, which is roughly equivalent to a decent kit comprised of Vlemish + Banded + Unbreakables + Nimoth + Scalemail. So yes, you do gimp yourself to the extreme for the sake of greater common good, and skilled opponents will try to take advantage of that. Good teammates will buy you some basic armor items if they see you are focused non-stop (and you should be), but counting on it in PUG games is usually utopian. For some reason, most players (especially those belonging to the huge "high win %, mediocre skill player sticking to the UB, with a possible Shield III-whoring Oak alternate" caste) will rather let you die, then blame you for being a noob, than buy something for you. Some people will also get genuinely irritated if you won't have locks or sigils. They aren't evil, they just don't understand. What happens is a direct result of failure to comprehend basic game dynamics: they take those cit upgrades for granted, generally assuming you had a lot of money (and why not, if THEY had a lot of money, eh?), but you've probably spent it on something stupid, because it's obvious you are noob and don't just Spit > right-click or Shield > tp 24/7.  

C. Teammate-dependent attitude

You depend on your main carry. A strong carry player + a good support will have a much better synergy than just two good damage-dealer DG players will. In 3v3, this principle is especially relevant. You will win a lot of matches if you find a good carry partner. Nothing to be ashamed of: you aren't a parasite, you are a symbiont, and smart players will understand it quickly, provided you do your job right. Personally, I have a list of recommended/not exactly recommended carry players (the recommended list includes some mids, not only the likes of Kira or ppapanek). The corollary of this principle is your playstyle should be more team-oriented than your average carry's. Communication is the key: pinging when needed, typing about intentions/things done/upgrades bought in chat, playing the game zoomed out are all essential. Also, don't rush in to kill, but rather assist (some people find this rule very hard to obey). It's not a competition, for God's sake! As Sedna, I usually steal a lot of kills because Pounce is such a great finisher: it's not a big deal, as long as you aren't egotistic and save the stolen kill money for creeps or J-Treads your UB needs.

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January 6, 2011 2:22:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Always wanted to ask something unrelated. Why are your emoticons inverted? I mean, we all know you are a non-conformist and an original thinker (aspiring, at least), Hedgie, but still - any particular semantic significance to this one?  

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January 6, 2011 3:23:49 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Some QoT thoughts after a two-hour long game yesterday (probably a re-write of a QoT section of the summary is due).

(1) Practically tested, now it's official: GoT + Bulwark = invincible QoT. You can 1v2 non-UB DGs easily in creep wave with no Mulch, just GS IV > SW II > GS IV > SW II, etc. Probably the only DG that can successfully 1v1 UB with Acclimation and good kit.

(2) Mulch needs a harsher re-evaluation, I think. My starting assumption was Mulch I is inefficient by itself, while Mulch II and III are great and well worth getting. That's true to a degree. However, any decent level 15+ QoT really wants to spend 99% of her time unpacked. Provided your teammates are any good, you know how to position your QoT inside a creep wave, and, of course, have Bishops and sigils, you won't need Mulch even 1v2 late game. Now, that leaves us with a dilemma: either get Tribute+GoT by 15 and go for a Bulwark super-tank QoT that does a lot of damage in 15 y radius and requires little to no microing, or get Mulch III+GoT by 15 and go for a no-Bulwark super-tank QoT that doesn't really do any damage worth mentioning, and requires a crapload of microing. Switching packed/unpacked late game to Mulch, then GS, then Mulch again is not an option, since it essentially makes you weak at both Mulching and Spiking. For me, the optimal solution is obvious. 

(3) Tribute at 15 is crucial in long even skilled games. It's like Shane told me once that he doesn't usually get Cur3, unless he plays with Orcun and Renz against a strong team, because he knows his teammates: (1) will need the edge; (2) are super-pro, and so will know how to maximize the advantage Cur3 gives. On a selfish level, Tribute = Bulwark for QoT, and Bulwark on unpacked 15+ QoT = a mobile portal lock, which isn't so selfish anymore.

(4) Magus Rod is a godsend late game, provided you go GoT+Bulwark route. You don't need locks, you are a lock. The Rod will compensate for the loss of +50% mana regen in unpacked form and allow to spam GS IV > SW II for half a cost (SW is insanely mana-intensive), which is a huge relief.

(5) GoT vs Acclimation: you trigger your damage reduction at will, while UB is dependent on enemy's actions. Ranged AA, minions, GS IV > SW II (if he has Bulwark, both will deal less than 500) are the way to go. In fact, this is the only time late game I suggest switching packed/unpacked and Shielding yourself. Be sure to get out of range when Ground Spiking if he doesn't have Bulwark. Hitting a no-Bulwark Acclimation UB with GS IV is a grave mistake. -1500 armor debuff won't offset the 40% damage reduction late game, while having a permanent 40% with GoT and Bulwark (plus 1450 absorption from Shield IV) will let you outtank him ultimately: you have Bishops, he doesn't. Yesterday, I fought enemy UB for 3 minutes (not exaggerating) non-stop while holding a portal -- we both were 20 and had Bulwark. Couldn't kill him, but he was forced to retreat when reduced to 2000 hp. As long as you don't trigger Acclimation (and, honestly, QoT can only do it with Mulch III), 40% damage reduction >>> 25% damage reduction, obviously.

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January 6, 2011 4:00:09 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG__IN1,

Always wanted to ask something unrelated. Why are your emoticons inverted? I mean, we all know you are a non-conformist and an original thinker (aspiring, at least), Hedgie, but still - any particular semantic significance to this one?  

because I don't like how adds weird line spaces between lines when they are awfully long like this and they go on and on onto a new line and you have text and smilies and I hate the icons in the middle unless they are just at the end then it's okay.  

Because there is a large break between hitting the enter key 

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January 6, 2011 8:43:42 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ah, so it's purely aesthetical. Anyway, I've noticed the emoticons really screw up the text layout here. Also, I can write (a), but not (, no matter how hard I try to...

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January 6, 2011 8:55:31 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

(2) Mulch needs a harsher re-evaluation, I think. My starting assumption was Mulch I is inefficient by itself, while Mulch II and III are great and well worth getting. That's true to a degree. However, any decent level 15+ QoT really wants to spend 99% of her time unpacked. Provided your teammates are any good, you know how to position your QoT inside a creep wave, and, of course, have Bishops and sigils, you won't need Mulch even 1v2 late game. Now, that leaves us with a dilemma: either get Tribute+GoT by 15 and go for a Bulwark super-tank QoT that does a lot of damage in 15 y radius and requires little to no microing, or get Mulch III+GoT by 15 and go for a no-Bulwark super-tank QoT that doesn't really do any damage worth mentioning, and requires a crapload of microing. Switching packed/unpacked late game to Mulch, then GS, then Mulch again is not an option, since it essentially makes you weak at both Mulching and Spiking. For me, the optimal solution is obvious.

Watch this before you decide that you don't need mulch.  It's just not possible to be a super-tank QoT without mulch, that's the trap a lot of people fell into before Rawrr came along.  I know it's hard to mulch so it's tempting to pass it up, but you gotta have it otherwise most decent teams with a good ub, fire tb, oak, rook, reg anything really are going to punish you. 

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January 6, 2011 10:04:58 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thanks, Shane! I need a good critique of my QoT ideas here (lot of people comment on Sed, but QoT is more esoteric, so to say) badly. I admit my current opinion may be a misconception based on (relative) weakness/lack of coordination of teams I've played against. And yes, Mulch is probably the hardest skill to use. To the point where it becomes very tempting to create a mod that will auto-Mulch the Shambler with the lowest hp -- the idea (c) Nomilarac. 

PS: Do you think my opinion regarding postponing Mulch I is justified?

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January 6, 2011 10:43:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

For what, spikewave?  I don't think so, early game you're usually just pushing people away and attacking towers when they leave so having a heal from mulch is more helpful.  If you find that you blow a kill because you didn't have the early slow, that sucks, but it's because the other team was being dumb and offering it up.  So maybe in a noob-mid game postponing mulch could be great. 

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January 6, 2011 4:23:39 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

So maybe in a noob-mid game postponing mulch could be great. 

Caught some pretty decent pro players with early SW... Not your level, that's for sure, but since there is, like, half a dozen players your level, it's not much to say 

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January 7, 2011 8:32:10 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Watch this

Errrr... Shane, are you kidding me? You raped Rav3nix and DEVASTATOR69 (=mygreenday69) while teamed with Rawrrr? Should I be surprised? I have first-hand knowledge of your opponents' skill level, so please... Yes, I admit Saul's Sedna is very solid, and yes, EldonTyrell is not exactly T1 (also a first-hand knowledge ), but still - give me a break! The match is absolutely asymmetrical. Like, totally. 

Yes, both you and Rawrr are consistently amazing during the match, but it's not too tough to be fucking amazing vs players not even remotely your skill level (not to mention Sed/Occ/Reg is... well... VERY SLIGHTLY inferior to Erb/TB/QoT ). It's like Pacov, Cow and Soccer will bash me, Darkliath, and... dunno... Iz (it won't be a total stomp, but... yeah, we all know how's it going to end), and then proudly post the replay as a ground-breaking proof of MCP Rook being superior to all other builds in existence. BTW, Rawrr's early kills do not impress me at all -- they stem from what you yourself defined as "opponents being stupid and inviting it".

Please do not take offense -- I'm the last person to question Rawrrr's (and yours) exceptional skill. I'm just saying a game that unbalanced is not representative. I'm not prejudiced: if you have a replay where Rawrr is raping T1 players with his early Mulch build, I'll study it very thoroughly, trust me. As it is... It was fun to watch and quite educative (as far as Rawrr's gear picks go), but... uhhh, well.

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January 7, 2011 10:51:58 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I didn't think we raped them, the point of showing you that was Rawrr is fighting 2 vs 1 most of the game holding off Sedna and somebody else because of mulch.  I don't think I played that well, maybe my memory is shady but I'm pretty sure there was a reason he posted it.

Here's a video replay of Rawrr and Renz as Queen + Reg beating Soccer-Mom and Teseer as Oak + TB

Soccer is a tier 1 player, teseer is not but he's a very good TB.

I've also been owned by Rawrr as Oak trying a blood-spirit build which I never do against his queen mostly because I'm too noob to split my monks when I use spirits so my partner was disadvantaged 75% of the game, but still.  I can imagine soccer's pain in this game lol, playing a cloak oak which just has no chance. 

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January 7, 2011 11:21:01 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Errrr... Shane, are you kidding me? You raped Rav3nix and DEVASTATOR69 (=mygreenday69) while teamed with Rawrrr? Should I be surprised?

Hmm just watched it again, and although they managed to keep up some decent pressure, you're right we did kind of rape my apologies.


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January 7, 2011 11:29:29 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I've played a number of games with 4nana as QoT and if I'm on his side I've learned that he's not going to die...ever.  If I see he's in a 2v1 I don't even go over to help unless I might contribute to a kill.  Mulch + shield + hungarlings and he can last pretty much forever in my experience.

I didn't watch this replay yet but I doubt he died against that team. 

If he's on the other team as QoT...I don't click ready.

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January 7, 2011 2:36:24 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Here's a video replay of Rawrr and Renz as Queen + Reg beating Soccer-Mom and Teseer as Oak + TB

Thanks, Shane. Soccer and Teeser sure are much more like it  Glad you are keeping it constructive and not taking offense!


I didn't watch this replay yet but I doubt he died against that team. 

I never claimed his performance was flawed. He's an amazing player, no doubt. The question is: is that Rawrrr's personal skill that makes his QoT so great or is it his build's virtue? In other words: this particular replay I've watched showcases Rawrr in great form, but the opposing team being inadequate makes it somewhat pointless.


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January 7, 2011 4:00:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The question is: is that Rawrrr's personal skill that makes his QoT so great or is it his build's virtue? In other words: this particular replay I've watched showcases Rawrr in great form, but the opposing team being inadequate makes it somewhat pointless.

Skill level makes all the difference in the world.  A build could be somewhat off or lacking but a better player/team could make it work. 

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January 7, 2011 4:19:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_pacov,

The question is: is that Rawrrr's personal skill that makes his QoT so great or is it his build's virtue? In other words: this particular replay I've watched showcases Rawrr in great form, but the opposing team being inadequate makes it somewhat pointless.

Skill level makes all the difference in the world.  A build could be somewhat off or lacking but a better player/team could make it work. 


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January 7, 2011 5:10:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Skill level makes all the difference in the world.  A build could be somewhat off or lacking but a better player/team could make it work. 

My point exactly. Rawrr is that good - no doubt, but is Rawrr's QoT build that good? That's the question. Let me join Shane and Rawrr and I bet I'm going to shine with something stupid like no-Heal Sedna 90% of the matches we'll play -- not because it's a fantastic build, but just because my teammates will be very very good.

Anyway, I'll postpone my conclusions until after I watch the replays Shane has kindly provided links to.

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January 7, 2011 5:21:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

On the same topic: if only one player can pull off a certain build (even in an amazing way), I'm not sure that build can be considered great. As long as it's not more-or-less universally successful, it's not great.

For example, I oppose Hedgie's Blood-Silence so strongly exactly because it's so heavily Hedgie-tailored (more precisely - Hedgie+Thundercles-tailored, I guess). Does it mean it's a bad build? Of course not! But I strongly suspect your run-of-the-mill decent player will be far more successful with SaulTigh's Blood-Tank, for example.

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January 7, 2011 6:51:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

On the same topic: if only one player can pull off a certain build (even in an amazing way), I'm not sure that build can be considered great. As long as it's not more-or-less universally successful, it's not great.

For example, I oppose Hedgie's Blood-Silence so strongly exactly because it's so heavily Hedgie-tailored (more precisely - Hedgie+Thundercles-tailored, I guess). Does it mean it's a bad build? Of course not! But I strongly suspect your run-of-the-mill decent player will be far more successful with SaulTigh's Blood-Tank, for example.

See the thing is, queen sucks, when Rawrr plays her she's good.  There's never going to be a universally acceptable queen build because for most people she's too hard to play.  Here's another example:

Literally there's no other queen that I would have won that game with, so yes Rawrr's build is the best; although there's at least 5 or 6 other UB's that not-empty/soccer-mom would have won that game with but that's a different topic lol.  I agree with you that there is a lot of room for variation with Sedna (I love pounce too and I would never in my life get magnificent presence instead of inner grace), but there's none with Queen.  Mulch is the only thing that makes her better than Reg or DA.

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January 7, 2011 7:19:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I think his QoT build is a good one, possibly the best.  It's just really hard to play any decent QoT build.  It requires a lot of micromanagement in a game that often suffers from a lot of lag and has really shitty controls.

I think the build is great but it's hard to pull off so a lot of people won't see good results with it. 

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January 7, 2011 11:02:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting GM-McShane87,

On the same topic: if only one player can pull off a certain build (even in an amazing way), I'm not sure that build can be considered great. As long as it's not more-or-less universally successful, it's not great.

For example, I oppose Hedgie's Blood-Silence so strongly exactly because it's so heavily Hedgie-tailored (more precisely - Hedgie+Thundercles-tailored, I guess). Does it mean it's a bad build? Of course not! But I strongly suspect your run-of-the-mill decent player will be far more successful with SaulTigh's Blood-Tank, for example.

See the thing is, queen sucks, when Rawrr plays her she's good.  There's never going to be a universally acceptable queen build because for most people she's too hard to play.  Here's another example:

Literally there's no other queen that I would have won that game with, so yes Rawrr's build is the best; although there's at least 5 or 6 other UB's that not-empty/soccer-mom would have that game with but that's a different topic lol.  I agree with you that there is a lot of room for variation with Sedna (I love pounce too and I would never in my life get magnificent presence instead of inner grace), but there's none with Queen.  Mulch is the only thing that makes her better than Reg or DA.

sigh we lost that game because of miscommunication, not because my build is bad.

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January 8, 2011 2:49:20 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

yeah... if I had to decide, I'd say rawrrr probably has the best qot in the game followed by cow at a close 2nd.  The truth of the matter though is that it comes down to teams.  I could win a game against BLANK with either of them on my team as long as they play well and my team caters to their style of QoT (or the qot adapts to us).  For instance, I think rawrr is a little better soloing than cow with qot as he tends to do a little more dps based on build/how he plays.  However, rawrr almost always is first blood in tier 1 games if he's going qot (even if a qot is on the other team).  And that's because he stays a little longer than he should or goes for a kill etc.  After that first blood, his build picks up momentum and can chase off most folks in any 1v1 situation.  Cow's strength is that his qot rarely dies and isn't ever really a bit liability for the team (outside of lacking an interrupt, ofc).  And of course, the benfits for intelligent dmg spikes for kills.  In a 3v3, qot always really comes down to how good the team is, though. Most tier 1 players can isolate and get kills here and there using the stronger dgs.  Qot can only pull that off if someone thinks she is weak and overpursues.  Anyway, I personally adjust my qot build based on my teammates and what I can expect from them.  I think that's makes the biggest difference outside of a static build.  If I know I'm stuck soloing to hold a lane, then I adjust.  If I'm primarily supporting an aggressive player, I adjust.  And if I'm in a tier 1 game, I adjust as well.  I personally don't think there is a best qot build.  I think good players adjust on the fly with her.  Even if we are talking a tier 1 game, not all players are the same way.  Some are aggressive, some patient, etc.  Catering to that makes all the difference in the world (eg a strong shield + spike wave is > mulch if you have someone in front that is tanking for you and going for kills. 

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January 8, 2011 3:46:43 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Catering to that makes all the difference in the world (eg a strong shield + spike wave is > mulch if you have someone in front that is tanking for you and going for kills. 

Playing Mulch-based builds is not only unexpected, it's virtually impossible in PUG games (even those involving strong players). Wish me good luck convincing Kira I have to solo mana with QoT next time!  What people really want from QoT, unless we have voice chat/are premade, is, indeed, strong Shield, strong Ground Spikes, and a Spike Wave to assist kills. I cannot blame them. Rawrr's QoT = solo-only build. Cow's QoT is somewhat more lane-sharing-friendly, though it will still benefit greatly from going solo.

In general, early Mulch builds have incredible staying power early/mid game, but are poor support characters (Shield I/II is convenient mana-wise, but QoT is no Sedna and has no luxury of saying: "I'm gonna postpone Heal II-IV, my Bishops will do the job just fine" -- Shield I/II becomes inadequate to its purpose quite early), and sacrifice their level 15+ performance (by not getting Tribute at 15) for being super-strong 5-15. Currently, I'm experimenting with a compromise build, but as far as I can see, you can either go the Mulch way, or the Tribute way...

Qot can only pull that off if someone thinks she is weak and overpursues.

The point is well-taken. Opportunities for solo kills arise, but almost exclusively due to opponents misjudging QoT's strength.


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January 8, 2011 9:28:09 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

people get irritated when I don't shield them, I constantly remind them its only shield 1. I remember recently one of my teammates needing a shield but I wanted to kill people so I stayed in open form and we killed both of the people killing my teammate and my teammate lived with like 200 hp.

I was like, " sorry I didn't shield you, I had to kill things"

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January 8, 2011 10:44:30 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I was like, " sorry I didn't shield you, I had to kill things"

When you are the main carry, no one should expect Shields from you. That goes without saying.

After level 15, when I can become something remotely resembling a carry, I Shield people mostly at crystal or in super-extreme circumstances. If I get Bulwark, I go packed only to Shield myself if fighting 1v2 or 1v1 vs a UB.

About that Tribute I seem to have obsession with: it's equivalent to getting Cur2+Cur3. So yeah, realistically, +2 currency levels on top of existing upgrades = Bulwark. You can say: "Well, Mulch allows my QoT to kill a lot of ppl, so Tribute is kind of redundant". It's too random for me. QoT has no decent way to secure kills (625 and 650 burst damage from GS IV and SW III are laughable, while 750 on Mulch III is unreliable: delay, microing, timing), so they will be 'stolen' from you mostly. You may get lucky, but it won't be consistent, and assists do not get you that much money. 

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January 8, 2011 12:24:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

people get irritated when I don't shield them, I constantly remind them its only shield 1

yup... even in games with me, the first thing cow usually says is that he's only getting shield 1. 

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