I tried a less than effective cape build as qot in a game today. granted our team combo was something horrible to attempt this (qot/tower rook/da that was unaggressive). The downside of a build like this (using cape) is the level of coordination required. I still think you need a rook that is either primarily hammer slam or tower/slam focused on maxing hammer as a primary. And you need to communicate well with whoever is with you as you'll likely use them to draw agro while keeping them shielded, etc. Because of the lower hp on qot with this build, you need to be pretty cautious, which means you really need your teammate to know he can count on shields, etc. Now, the big downside to this build is that you can't solo as effectively as you could with blood. I think it would be fun to get a somewhat coordinated game going and try this out, but haven't had the opportunity to give it a go yet.
Agree with everything here. She's squishy, and she requires a lot of communication to be effective. With no-voice-chat Rooks I just go Blood with a slightly greater emphasis on BS.
Hope you do well with it IN1.
Renz liked my QoT, so I guess I'm doing fine. No delusions of grandeur, though
I still wana get in some games with you Sed vs Sed style. We should 1v1 one of these days.
My pleasure, just contact me in-game (either OMG__IN1 [double underscore] - old acc, or OMG_IN1 - a newer one). Your last build made me re-consider some of the principles my old build was based on. FYI, there is also a very good Sedna player Nastyblade. His build is speed-oriented, but surprisingly effective in 3v3. I'm sure he will agree to go 1v1 with you gladly if you catch him online.
PS: I've already told Darkliath her teammates in the tourney were the wrong ones. It should have been: brasher_01, bartek1234, Darkliath. You share the same philosophy