However, I find it much less reliable and inferior to other Sedna builds...
In 2v2 Sedna builds, dropping pounce for an early Inner Grace is the reason you're seeing better performance. Pounce is nearly useless in a Sedna mirror (in 2v2... 3v3 there are two other demigods you'll need to pounce), and being 5% faster enables you to engage and disengage at will... something the other, slower, Sedna has nothing to do to stop you short of getting Wyrmskin gloves instead of NR. Basically, Inner Grace is underpowered in all matchups except against Sedna.
It's also always been my opinion that for a lower-level Sedna player, you should invest 1 point into Inner Grace because it gives you more wiggle room, especially early game. However, the "sigil and run away" won't work against good, aggressive players. 5% speed isn't enough to outrun a gank, especially when the gank includes any of Oak, UB, Erebus or DA.
Though against a DA-orientated gank teams I do tend to go Heal > HW > IG > SAVE > HW + IG > Heal > Heal > CH > Silence > Heal because it enables you to outrun him most of the time, even if he is clever and Warp Strikes to a monk. And Silence won't save you against those teams because of Chain Stuns usually.
... unless paired with a UB or, maybe, an Oak in a non-mirror match
The vast majority of my end-career 2v2 games were with Thundercles, who does a hybrid BotS TB (usually). We both somewhat tailor our builds to capitalize on the Sed/TB synergy.
it's +150% efficiency increase for Pounce, and only +33% efficiency increase for Silence
Although, yes, your damage from pulling 2 points from Silence into pounce, your mana consumption vastly shift.
5 seconds of Silence + 400 Pounce: 1400 mana
3 seconds of Silence + 1000 Pounce: 1575 mana
You only get a 33% longer duration, then a 25% increase of timeby leveling up Silence II and III, so you do get a little bit of diminishing returns. However, the mana efficiency of Silence by leveling it up is amazing. 800 -> 900 -> 1000 mana. So you're paying only 12.5% more for 33% longer and then 11% more for 25% longer.
Compare to Pounce II, III, IV. You pay for 31% more for 50% more damage, then you pay 24% more for 33% more damage, then you pay 19% more for 25% more damage. Yes, Pounce is getting gradually more mana-efficient as you level it but not at the same rate of Silence.
Put another way, Pounce I is 1:1 in terms of damage:mana. Pounce IV is 1.29:1 (29% more efficient, for 3 skill points, all of which compete with other skills for priority)
Silence is .00375:1 in terms of seconds:mana. Silence III is .005:1 (33% more efficient, for 2 skill points, only which level 2 competes with other skills for priority)
Finally, note that it is actually TWO pounces, due to Magnificent Presence cooldown drop. So it's really 800 damage + 5 seconds for 1800 mana. Or, I can pounce at the start and hold my second pounce so I have an interrupt for a lock or a port.
With only 3 seconds of Silence and no MP, if you don't kill them they can just port out if you pounce. Finally, at level 10 and on it's VERY hard to fall below the 400 mana needed for a level one Pounce. So you are the "interrupt bitch" of the team. Leveling up Pounce can put you into a position where you don't have the mana for it.
I'm not judging your assessment and before I left I started doing a very similar build (Heal > HW > Pounce > Heal > (5) HW II > Silence > Heal III > CH > Pounce > (10) Silence > Pounce > Pounce > MP > (15) Silence > MP > MP > Heal IV > IG > IG > IG).
I'm merely bringing some math to the table to challenge a few of your statements.